This, though, this is alien to me.

My stomach churns, but I force myself to swallow. It burns all the way down, causing my body to ache in response to the vampire blood healing my injuries.

“I’m going to go check on Clarance,” Rachel says, as she squeezes my shoulder and moves away.

I close my eyes and focus on not hurling despite the bile rising in my throat. Moments pass in silence with only the muttered whispers of someone too far away for me to make out what they’re saying.

After minutes that feel like hours, I take my first easy breath, my lungs no longer burning. While the burning in my stomach is still going, I can finally move my legs and arms. “Thank you,” I tell Brad, who’s still hovering right beside me.

He takes a deep breath and gently touches my shoulder. “You’re welcome.” Then, he looks up to Delaney. “I’ll be outside if you need me.”

She nods.

“Can you help me sit?” I ask.

Both Cole and Elijah rush forward, the men pushing up on my shoulder blades to help me sit. I can finally take a look around. I’m lying on the dining room table, and all around me, bodies cover the floor. Some are covered with sheets. Others are simply lying lifeless on the ground.

I choke on a sob as agony ravages through my heart—my mind. They slaughtered us.

We never even had a chance.

Delaney comes into view.

“Where is Tarnley?” I demand.

Her bottom lip quivers. “We don’t know.”

“What the hell does that mean?” I ask, my own voice cracking beneath the weight of my emotions.

“He and Rainey are both gone,” Elijah tells me. “Their entire teams were wiped out. We found the bodies—but he and Rainey were gone.” A muscle in his jaw twitches, and I can see he’s barely managing to hold it together.


“He’s okay. Eira, too. She managed to keep her entire team safe and still take out the councilman waiting for her. Fearghas’s mission was a failure, but we got to him before he suffered anything life-threatening.”

“Your father’s team was wiped out, and the fae with him—Bernard—did not survive.”

“She’s awake, thank goodness.” Paloma’s voice is acid on my skin.

Despite not being fully healed, I raise a hand and send my magic straight toward her. It hits her in the chest, and she flies back into the wall. “Did you know?” I demand. Since I still do not fully trust my legs, I don’t move. Harrie said she didn’t—but he’s been lying to all of us. Who’s to say he wasn’t lying about her, too?

“Know what?”

I turn to Delaney. “We haven’t told her yet. It wasn’t until your team was recovered that we knew who’d betrayed us.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t betray anyone!”

Willa walks into the room, looking every bit an alpha. “Your husband did.”

Paloma’s eyes widen. “What? No. That’s not possible!”

I release her, and she falls to the floor. My vision sways, and I start to fall, but Cole presses a gentle hand to my back to keep me from falling off the table.

“He was there. Waiting for us when we showed up. And he was not alone.” I wait for my words to sink in before adding, “Odette was there. We walked straight into an ambush.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “Not Harrie. He’s too kind. He’d never hurt anyone.”

“Did he say anything to you?” Willa asks.