I turn toward Eira. “I thought you weren’t there when they went after Bronywyn.”

“I wasn’t.”

“The council held her captive for quite some time,” Fearghas growls. “She’s seen the inside of nearly every one of their buildings as they took her along when they traveled.”

“What did they—oh,” Mags trails off sadly, shaking her head. “I’m so sorry.”

I’m about to ask what she’s sorry about when I catch the look of utter and complete rage on the fae’s face. That alone lets me know this is not a stone I want to overturn. “We need to see if Paloma is even okay with getting involved in this capacity. And are you sure you want to bring your fiancé in on this?”

“Yes. He can help. Between the three of us, we can make it through.”

Fearghas shakes his head. “I just don’t know about this.”

“I know us humans are rather unimpressive compared to you, but without Tarnley, Bronywyn, and everyone else, the city is screwed, right?”


“This is my home, too. So if I can help save it, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

“And if they catch you? Torture you? Kill you?” he asks.

“Then add me to the cliff notes of that history book Rainey referred to.”

We’re silent for a few moments until, finally, Fearghas nods. “Fine. Call your fiancé, and I’ll call Paloma. I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to bite us in the ass.”

* * *

“I’m sorry. What?”Deissy’s fiancé asks for the tenth time since walking in less than thirty minutes ago.

“What is there to be confused about?” Fearghas questions. The fae looks one question away from snapping the human’s neck.

“You’re expecting me to believe that you’re a fae, she’s a witch, and he—” He turns to me. “Is a monster hunter?”

“Supernatural hunter,” I correct. “Since technically I’m a super as well, I don’t really appreciate the term monster.”

“And Tarnley—the guy who saved you—is a vampire?”

Deissy nods.

“And what are you?”

“Human,” Paloma replies. Then she reaches over and threads her fingers through her husband’s. “But Harrie is a wolf shifter.”

“A wolf shifter,” Felix repeats as he stares at Paloma’s husband.

“If you’re waiting for me to do tricks, I’m afraid you’ll be waiting for a long time,” he says dryly.

Felix turns to Winnie and Ivan. “You work for a witch, but you’re human?”

“Yes,” Winnie replies. “Though my humanity won’t be keeping me from kicking Bronywyn’s arse the moment she returns.”

“This is insanity.”

“Oh for the love of—” Mags snaps her fingers, and every light in the room begins to flicker on and off.

Eira raises her hands, and water from both glasses on the counter rises from the glass, tangling together in a tranquil dance that completely and utterly mesmerizes.

“I won’t be shifting. I like this shirt,” Harrie adds.