“You’ve known this entire time and didn’t bother to let us in on the secret that we’re related? Was this all some kind of game to you?” Delaney demands as her cheeks flush with anger.

“I didn’t see the relevance before now. Astor is not my name.”

“No, you’d rather have your murdering father’s name than ours. I get it,” Rainey snaps back.

They’re hurt, I expected as much. And I know that they will never understand my need to turn away from the man who fathered me. “The Astor name is what got my mother killed,” I tell them. “And did he bother to stick around? No. He let her take the fall—alone.”

“There had to be more to the story than that.” Delaney shakes her head. “You still should have said something the moment you knew who we were.”

“Fuck, you could have told me the day you stitched me back together after I was shot. It’s not like there was never an opportunity. Maybe a ‘Hey, Rainey, I know we don’t know each other well, but we’re related. You’re not alone. Nice to meet you’.”

Elijah turns to Tarnley. “How long have you known?”

“I saw the memory when I was in her head.”

“I didn’t keep it from anyone to cause any harm. It’s not the best moment in my life, and honestly, I prefer to not relive it every single time I see someone.” I turn to Delaney. “I know all about Joaquin Astor. I made it my mission to know about him, and while I am pretty damn sure he knew nothing about me, he still left my mother when things got complicated for them. He bailed, and she faced the punishment alone.”

Rainey shakes her head. “Seeing as how her husband was a member of the Immortal Council, I can see why he bailed.”

“They had him killed eventually,” I tell them. “When they tracked him down at a resort in Dubai.”

“Then he ran.”

“He did,” I confirm. “But not from them. Supernaturals have had bounties on Astor heads for decades. From what I understand, he was running from a pack of wolves.”

Everyone falls into silence. “Not that this family reunion isn’t everything and more, but I’m far more interested in figuring out just what we’re going to do about the councils,” Willa says. “That seems to be a bit more pressing than who fucked who once upon a time.”

Both Astor sisters shoot a glare at Willa, but neither says a word. Since all three of us feel guilty for Jack’s death, I imagine the alpha could threaten them both, and even Rainey would keep her mouth shut.

A feat, to be sure.

“I don’t know what we can do,” Elijah says. “We either face them or run.”

“Or we kill them all,” Rainey offers. When he glances her way, she shrugs. “Just saying it’s an option number three.”

“I don’t know that we’d survive a full-on with the councils.” Delaney shakes her head. “One at a time, if we’re lucky, but not all four at once. That might even be a bit too much for us.”

“Then maybe we do both.” We all turn to Tarnley. “We face them and hope for the best. But if it goes the way we’re all worried it will—and honestly, it more than likely will—then we fight and run.”

“And if we do that and fail?” Delaney asks.

“Then we’re all dead,” Willa deadpans. “But if we run, we’re as good as dead anyway. Not only do we look guilty, but they’ll send wave after wave of bounty hunters to every corner of this world until they bring back our heads.” She turns to Z. “You will lead the pack in my absence. And if the council takes me out, get them the hell away from this city.”

A muscle in the massive shifter’s jaw twitches. “You expect me to let you face them alone?”

“Yes. Because you need to keep Lauren out of it, and the pack must have an alpha. You are next in line since Cole stepped down.”

Briefly, I glance over at Cole. His hardened expression tells me all I need to know about the level of guilt he carries over leaving his pack behind for Delaney.

“I don’t—”

“It’s not up for debate, Z. You will lead the pack out of this city should I not return. That’s an order.”

He clamps his jaws together, and for a moment, I wonder if he’s not going to challenge her. Instead, he simply bows his head in understanding. “I will do as you order me to,” he says, tone sharp. “But I want it noted that I do not agree. We could all leave Billings behind, find somewhere new. I’ve more than proven hiding is a possibility.”

“Two is a lot easier to hide than hundreds,” she replies. “And even if we manage to escape their radar, we will always be looking over our shoulders. And, in doing so, putting a massive target on the pack. I won’t lose anyone else.” The back beta swallows hard but doesn’t say anything else as Willa turns back to us. “Then we will be arriving at the summons together?”

“And hopefully leaving together, too,” Cole adds.