-The attempted murder of Willa Akacheta and her father, the late pack Alpha, Josiah Akacheta.

-Being an accomplice to the murder of Councilwoman Lucy McClough.

-More charges will be announced on day of hearing.

You are free to argue any of these charges and plead your case, though your fate will be carried out by the council on the day of your hearing.


The Witch Council

The Vampire Council

The Shifter Council

The Immortal Council

“Fuck, they are nailing you for everything Heather did.” Tarnley shakes his head angrily. “This isn’t justice—”

“It’s a witch hunt,” I finish as I hand the paper back to her. “Literally.”

“Witch hunt, shifter hunt, hunter hunt—fuck, they’re coming after all of us! And for what? Saving their fucking pathetic asses?” Rainey’s face is a deep crimson, her eyes hard. “And the fact that I am not giving you shit for keeping your first name from us all these years should show you just how pissed off I am, Shay.”

“Mine is damn near as long,” Elijah interrupts as he holds up one of his own.

“What the hell are we going to do?” Delaney questions.

“We can run,” I tell her. “But if we do that—”

“We’ll never be able to stop running.” Tarnley shakes his head. “This is bullshit.”

“What the hell do they think they’re going to pin on us?” Rainey demands. “We didn’t do a damn thing wrong.”

“They’re going to kill us,” I say with complete conviction. “I’ve seen how this plays out, and it’s not going to matter what we say.”

“What do you mean you’ve seen this play out? From your time on the council?”

I meet Rainey’s gaze, then shift my attention to Tarnley. He nods, knowing exactly what moment I’m talking about. Turning to the sisters, I swallow hard. “We have some things to discuss. Let me get dressed, and I’ll tell you everything.”

“So, who are the councils?”

We all whirl on Deissy.

“What in the actual fuck is she doing here?” Rainey demands.

“Dressed first, then we talk,” I tell her as I head for my stairs. Suddenly, my dreams of escaping this city with Tarnley are starting to fade away, leaving me with a horrible taste in my mouth for the future we will likely never get to experience.

At least, not if the councils have any say in it.