“I did. Trained Magnolia a bit then took a long, hot bath.” He growls, and I don’t miss the way his hands tighten on the steering wheel. “My skin was so hot it was pink, my muscles liquid.”

“Are you trying to get us into an accident?”

“I have a sneaking feeling it would be worth it.”

Tarnley chuckles. “If you keep this up, I’m going to pull over and fuck you in the backseat.”

“Threaten me with a good time, why don’t you.”

“Fuck, Bronywyn.”

I reach over and run my hand up his thigh. “Maybe I like being bad.”

He whips off the street and onto the side then grips the back of my hair and yanks me toward him. The kiss is frantic, hard, punishing, and I so want more. Far too soon, he’s pulling back. “I have an amazing night planned for us.”

“Yeah?” I quickly kiss him again. “You know, I may or may not be wearing anything under this dress.” I totally am, but the need for him to check is strong.

His hand tightens in my hair. “If you keep this up, all of my planning is going to go to waste.”

“That would be a shame.” Another kiss.

“It would. You’re going to love it.”

“I’d love getting in the backseat, too.”

He growls against my lips then pulls back. “Not yet.”

“Party pooper,” I mutter as he pulls back into traffic.

When he reaches over and threads his fingers through mine, I’m completely done for. Seriously, stick a fork in me, I’m d-o-n-e.

“I’m glad you had a good day.”

“I did. You?”

“Same. I met with Brad, Steven, Lance, and Kline. They’re going to keep an eye out for the vampire who was tailing Winnie.”

“I appreciate that. I just don’t know how they’re going to find him.”

“They will. You tell Delaney?”

“Haven’t talked to her today. After nearly killing her a few times, I figured it was best to give her space until she was ready to talk.”

“Probably not a bad idea. I saw Elijah earlier and let him know. Then Rainey met him at my pub for lunch.”

“Which means Delaney probably knows by now.”

“I would imagine so. Elijah said something about her and Cole posted up outside the council building. I’m guessing that’s why you didn’t hear from her.”

“Probably.” But I’m guessing it has a lot to do with the events of the past two months. I know what I did, and I own it. I also realize that it’s going to take a whole hell of a lot longer to make up for all of it.

Tarnley squeezes my hand gently. “You okay?”

“More than.”

“You know you can talk to me, right?”

Sparing him a glance, I nod. “I know.”