
It’s the quiet that seems odd now since I’ve had a voice in my head for so long it became my new normal. But as I open my eyes, squinting beneath the bright fluorescents overhead, I hear nothing but my own thoughts.


I turn my head toward the voice and see Delaney’s familiar gaze searching mine for some sign of life. “Delaney.”

She grins and leans down, crushing me against her chest in a hug. “I missed you, my friend.”

Unsure what else I can do, I wrap my arms around her, my mind clear for the first time since I saved Elijah—what feels like lifetimes ago. “I missed you, too,” I tell her truthfully. We pull apart, and Rainey moves in closer.

“Sorry I shot you.”

I grin. “Thank you for stopping me from hurting anyone.”

“Glad that fucking nightmare is over.”

Elijah meets my gaze, relief in his crystal gaze. “Thank you,” he whispers.

“You’re welcome.” I force a smile as I sit up and search for Tarnley. “Where’s—”

Fearghas and Ridley move to the sides, and I see Tarnley seated on the floor behind them, his back pressed against the wall. Black lines snake up his cheeks and into his eyes, much like they’d been when the shadows had taken over our bond.

I push to my feet and stumble toward him, my legs feeling like lead. Then, I sink to my knees and cup his cheeks. “Tarnley,” I whisper.

He shakes his head.

“It’s okay. I’m okay.”

He shakes his head again, and the black lines begin to recede. My love blinks, eyelids moving rapidly as the rest of the lines disappear; then he opens his eyes and focuses on me. “It’s gone.”

“It is.”

“Thank fucking goodness.” He grabs the back of my hair and rips me toward him. His lips slam onto mine with a kiss that promises passion unlike any other. I deepen the kiss, climbing onto his lap and opening for him.

We’ve fought so hard to get here, and the fact that we’re not alone barely even registers in my mind as I take everything he has to give. His hands dig into my hips, and we pull apart, resting our foreheads together as we breathe deeply.

Behind us, someone clears their throat, bringing us back to the moment.

I stand, and Tarnley gets up alongside me, slinging his arm around my shoulders as we face friends who risked their own asses to save me—to save us both.

“Not that we wanted to interrupt that moment,” Rainey says with a grin. “But we need to make sure you’re both good before we go sleep for a week.”

“I feel normal,” I tell them.


Ridley steps forward and presses his palm to my forehead. Magic sizzles along my skin in response, the familiar tingle lacking all darkness. “She’s good.” He tugs at the ends of his jacket. “Now I get to add Soul Crusher to my resume.”

“You are one modest bastard, you know that?” Rainey asks.

He chuckles. “Modest Soul Crusher. I rather do like that title. Think I’ll get business cards made.”

“What are we supposed to do with all our copious free time now that we’re not saving your ass?” Rainey asks.

“Figure out what the hell to do about the council,” Delaney replies as she leans against Cole. He wraps an arm around her waist.