“They foolishly believe they can save you. It would be charming if it weren’t so damned pathetic.”

“Leave them alone.”

“I will bury you in memories until there’s nothing left,” she sings. “Nothing but an empty, pathetic body, and then I will use you to lay waste to a world that has failed me at every single turn.”

Before I can ask her what she means, the room ripples, and two men appear behind her. “What the—Fearghas?”

She whirls on them. “You are not supposed to be here!”

He ignores her, and I wonder if it’s perhaps because he can’t see her. “Happy to see you.”

“What are you doing—” Before I can finish the sentence, she screams, the loud roar tearing into my brain. Fearghas and Ridley both cover their ears with their hands as blood begins to trickle from their noses.

“We have to go!” Ridley roars.

“Wait! I’m trapped here! She keeps throwing memor—”

“I’m sorry! We’re trying!” Fearghas yells, and they disappear. The roaring ceases, the room falling completely silent once more.

And it hits me.

If they can’t get in, how the hell am I supposed to get out?

“You can’t,” she says to me. “You will be here forever, witch. Or, at the very least, until the moment we wake up and kill everyone who is trying to help you.”