At my question, he shakes his head. “No way in hell am I stepping foot into her head. She tried to kill me before; there’s no telling what she’ll do if I enter her mind without a bloody invitation.”

Fucking coward.

Fearghas sighs. “Send me in.”

Delaney turns to him. “Are you sure that’s such a good idea? What if you get stuck? Can you get stuck? You can’t dematerialize anymore.”

“He can die in there," Ridley replies as he crosses his arms and leans back against the countertop.

“What? How?”

“If Bronywyn’s dark magic deems him a threat, it can devour him. Taking in his essence and adding to its own. It is what parasites do.”

“Well, the news just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?” Rainey groans.

“Worried about me?” Fearghas asks her, and she pins him with a glare.

“Of course, I am. I’ve grown rather accustomed to your smartass wit and gleaming personality.”

Fearghas wraps an arm around her shoulders, and to my surprise, she doesn’t immediately shove him off.

“You’ve sacrificed enough for us already, Fearghas,” she says softly.

“Then what’s one more trip. Besides, I rather like the adrenaline rush I get from risking my neck.”

Rainey’s cheeks flush, but she doesn’t argue any further. Truthfully, there’s no price too steep to bring Bronywyn back. The thought of never seeing her bright green eyes, or the dimple in her cheek when she smiles, is far too terrifying a thought. But I’m not enough of a bastard to pressure Fearghas into risking himself if he doesn’t want to.

I have enough blood on my hands already.

“How will he even get in?” I ask. “He can’t dematerialize anymore.”

“I can safely deposit him and get out before she realizes where we are.”

“And how exactly does he get out?”

Everyone falls silent at Delaney’s question, leaving Ridley and Fearghas both looking in opposite directions as though they both know the answer and are hell-bent on not voicing it.

“I’m waiting?” Delaney crosses both arms, her angry gaze shifting from one fae to the other.

“When Bronywyn wakes up, I can go in and get him.”

“And if she doesn’t?”

He doesn’t miss a beat. “Then Fearghas is trapped.”

Delaney shakes her head angrily, and Rainey looks about two seconds from whipping out her pistol and putting a bullet into Ridley.

“Have I failed this flawed little Scooby Gang yet?” Fearghas asks, brow raised.

“There’s a first time for everything,” Delaney replies.

Prepared to become the most hated member of the group should this plan go sideways, I clear my throat and turn to Ridley. “When she does wake up, you can bring him out?”

“Just stay in there with him,” Rainey snaps. “Don’t be a damned coward. Then you can both leave whenever the hell you need to.”

Ridley glowers at her, and I’m prepared for his argument. But he surprises me and everyone in the room when he sighs and turns to Fearghas. “How do you tell them no?”

“Don’t ask me. I’ve yet to find a way.”