“None taken. Wasn’t my blood.”

“They were testing rumors surrounding the creation of The Accords,” I tell them. “Apparently, the no inter-faction relationship amendment was to protect the witch line. It has nothing to do with anything else.”

“What do you mean?” Delaney questions, sitting up.

All eyes turn to me, and I take a deep breath, sitting up as well and shifting to the side so I’m sitting next to Tarnley instead of in his lap. “The blood of a mated witch can heal her mate no matter how close he is to death.”

“Gathered that much,” Cole says. “Why create an entire law over it?”

“According to Odette, they were concerned that the knowledge of that would make witches prime targets for mating rituals. That they would be targeted by the other factions because of the healing properties. It would essentially make whoever they mated with indestructible. And if witches didn’t mate with warlocks—”

“The lines would be diluted,” Fearghas interjects. “Clever fuckers, those council members.”

“Exactly. In making it punishable by death, they ensured the continuation of the witch lines—undiluted by other supernaturals.”

“Except mating with another supernatural wouldn’t have necessarily eliminated the bloodline. You’re proof of that.”

I nod at Rainey. “But I’m guessing they didn’t know that before.”

“Wouldn’t the council have figured it out?” Tarnley asks. “After they killed your mother and you came into your magic?”

“Yes, but they wouldn’t have known the extent of it without a sample of my blood. And aside from you—and then Chasin when he made the amulet—I never let anyone have any of it because I didn’t want them to discover that I was not just a witch.”

“Then this entire thing was one twisted experiment?” Magnolia snaps.

“Partially,” I reply. “But I’m pretty damn sure the council wants us out of the way for another reason as well.”

“Because they’re cowards.” Rainey shakes her head. “I guarantee those fuckers are afraid of us pushing back.”

“To be fair, you are rather pushy.” Fearghas winks at her, and she rolls her eyes. He turns to Ridley. “You pulled my girls out of there. I could kiss you, you beautiful son of a bitch.”

“I’d really rather you didn’t,” Ridley says from his spot against the farthest wall. Since fae heal faster than any supernatural I’ve ever seen, his once battered face is nearly flawless. He cracks an eye open and smiles at Eira. “I’ll take one from her, though.”

“Feeling has passed,” Fearghas growls.

Everyone laughs, and the sound warms my heart. Even with everything we’ve gone up against, to be able to find humor is a gift. I glance over at Deissy, who leans against Felix, a relieved smile on her face.

“You guys saved our asses today,” I tell her. “Thank you is not an appropriate phrase. We’d be dead if it weren’t for you.”

“Not bad for a couple of humans, huh?” Deissy asks with a grin. “Though, I imagine you guys would have figured out an escape sooner or later.”

We remain silent as I attempt to process everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours. And honestly? I truly believe Deissy is wrong. Without them, I don’t know that we would have ever managed an escape.

“You scared the shit out of us,” Winnie says as she and Ivan hand out bottles of cold water. If I could move, I’d pat myself on the back for having the forethought to keep this place stocked.

Eyes misty, Winnie stares at me with more love and admiration than I deserve.

“Sorry about that. Next time, we’ll call,” Rainey says.

“There damn well better not be a next time,” Winnie snaps. “You lot are not bulletproof.”

“No, that’s just me.” Fearghas’s sloppy grin completely disarms my oldest friend, making her cheeks redden.

“Don’t be an ass,” Delaney scolds.

“I don’t know any other way to be.” He shifts his attention to Ridley. “You going to be ready to get us back to Billings soon?”

Ridley glares at him. “Seriously?”

“How did you think we were all getting back?”

Ridley groans. “Let me at least finish my damn drink.”

“If you must,” Fearghas replies with a yawn. “But I’d like to make it back before I forget what happened last onGilmore Girlsand I’m forced to start all over again.”