
“This is complete and utter bullshit,” Fearghas snaps as he watches us strap on as many weapons as we can realistically carry.

“If you have a better idea, we’re all ears,” Rainey says as she checks her magazine before loading it into the bottom of her firearm and shoving it into a holster at her back.

“As a matter of fact, I do,” he snaps. “We track down Ridley and all go to Faerie.”

Not a bad plan,I consider seconds before Delaney starts shaking her head.

“Faerie has Sheelin, you know, in case you were forgetting the sister that wants to murder all of us. Personally, I’d rather face off with a dozen councils than a fae queen with an entire army at her back.”

Fearghas’s face flushes. “Fine. At least let me come with you.”

“And for what reason? You can’t help us.”

At Rainey’s harsh words, he growls. “I can do other things than dematerialize.”

“Yes, you can,” Delaney agrees with a pointed look at her sister. “But there’s not much you can do if you’re imprisoned as well. As it stands, you’re one of the few who weren’t summoned.”

“You can’t expect me to sit around and do nothing.”

“We don’t. You find Ridley and come get us out should shit go sideways.”

“And if I can’t find him?” he asks.

Rainey shrugs. “Then we sure as fuck hope things don’t go sideways.” She pulls the slide on her second weapon and cocks it then holsters it alongside a blade clipped to her shoulder holster.

“What about the ley line magic?” he asks, turning a hopeful glance to Delaney. “You accessed it before. Why don’t we try to get it again?”

“Cole and I were there yesterday. I can’t sense it anymore.”

“What the hell does that mean? Ley lines don’t just disappear.”

“It’s still there,” Cole says. “I can sense it, but Delaney can’t.”

“And why the hell is that?”

“Probably because I’m not meant to use it again.”

“Then someone else can take it in. Bronywyn?”

“I don’t think I can.”

“And why not?”

“Because she was infected with shadow magic. To obtain the ley line power, you must be pure.” Eira’s response is met with Fearghas’s glare.

“We cleaned her.”

“It leaves a stain,” Eira replies, sadly.

“We should at least try.”

“It would be a waste of time,” Delaney says. “And we don’t have time to waste.”

“I still think this is suicide.” Z shakes his head. “We should run.”