I end the call then stare at Delaney’s name on my favorites screen. Personally, she has nothing to do with this, but since she’s close with Fearghas— Before I can talk myself out of it, I tap her contact. I’m just about to hang up when she answers.

“Is everything okay?” No hello or typical greeting. Just straight to the point. I brush it off, trying to act like it doesn’t bother me.

“There was an incident tonight,” I explain. “Tarnley and I are fine, but we’re headed back to the clinic with a human woman who saw too much. We need Fearghas there to see if he can take the memory out of her head.”

“Okay. You’re headed there now?”


“Cole and I will pick him up on the way.” The line goes dead, so I drop the phone into my lap and stare out at the passing lights. A blur of color, we pass them by, and I can’t help but think of the million other ways I wish this night would have ended.

Instead, it came to a screeching halt right before a bloodbath. Really makes a girl wonder if it’s not a sign of what’s to come.

* * *

Winnie is waitingfor us right out in front of my house when we pull up. Rainey and Elijah are out first with Felix climbing out and retrieving Deissy from the car. She’s awake now, eyes wide and panicked as he guides her toward my house.

“I’m going to hang back. Get her inside first,” Tarnley says.

“No. You should be there. You’re her friend.”

“Since she watched me rip the throat out of a man tonight, I’m going to assume our friendship is on hold. Please, Bronywyn. Just go in and make sure she’s okay. I’ll be in soon.”

I hesitate for only a moment before nodding. “Fine. But you better be inside within five minutes or I’m coming out and dragging you in.” Without waiting for a response, I shove the door open and climb out.

Slamming the car door a little harder than I meant to, I stalk toward the house, meeting the rest of our grim party on the front porch.

“Where’s Tarnley?” Deissy asks.

“He’ll be here soon.”

She pales. “O-o-kay.”

“Come on, let’s get you inside and checked out.” Taking the lead, I walk into the house, Winnie right behind me and the others trailing her. I move through the hall and down to the panel where I press my palm and wait for it to slide away.

When it does, Felix gasps. “This is a cool clinic.”

“It’s top of the line,” I reply, no ego in my voice. It’s the truth. Everything I bought to outfit the place is better than most hospitals have. And the security? It’s pretty damn good, too.

“I set up room two,” Winnie explains as soon as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

“Great, thanks. When Fearghas gets here, send him down.” She steps off to the side as we pass.

“Who’s Fearghas?” Felix questions as we push through the waiting area and into the hall with all of the patient rooms.

“A doctor.”Of sorts.

“Okay. Good.” He’s silent until we’re stepping into room two. Winnie has fully prepared it with a hospital gown folded neatly on the bed and fresh paper on the top. Typically, we don’t bother with it since supernaturals don’t catch modern illnesses.

But since Deissy is a human, additional preparations must be brought into consideration.

“Please have a seat, Deissy. No need to put on the gown, though, unless you have any injuries.”

“No injuries,” she whispers. Eyes red and swollen, she looks about one second away from a breakdown. And who the hell can blame her? She watched a man get his throat ripped out after they killed her friend and four patrons. “Felix, can you give me just a minute?” she asks, and he kisses her temple.

“Of course. I’ll be right outside.”

“We’ll come with you.” Rainey nods at me. Then she and Elijah follow Felix into the hall.