“Someone’s here,” she says.

The three of us get to our feet and move into the foyer. Rainey withdraws her pistol.

“Where the hell were you hiding that?” I ask.

“If I tell you, it won’t be a secret anymore.”

Delaney’s magic swirls around her, at the ready as I reach for the doorknob. With a deep breath, I pull it open and gape at the warlock on the other side.

Dark hair, greying at the temples, his hard gaze falls on mine. We stare at each other, two complete strangers and yet, something more.

My heart hammers, pulse racing at breakneck speed as I take in the sight of someone I never wanted to see again.

He clears his throat and folds both hands in front of him, “You planning to invite me in?”

My limbs might as well have been lead for how well I can move. Somehow, though, I manage a single word, and yet it packs the punch of a bullet in the gut. “Father?”