
“Deissy and Felix are out right now, trying to track down Brad,” Tarnley announces as we all sit having coffee the next morning.

“Willa, Harrie, and Paloma back on pack lands, so hopefully we can get some help there.”

“They’ll help,” Cole says. “I have no doubt.”

“What’s our game plan, here?” Rainey asks.

“We hope Brad can assemble enough supernaturals that, when we storm the fucking place, they have nowhere else to go. We have the upper hand now, know the layout.”

“And if they moved locations?”

“They won’t,” Eira interjects. “They’re far too arrogant for that.”

“Agreed, but they may return to wherever they came from. It’s not like the councils are all together often.”

“Then we hunt them down one at a time.” Cole crosses both arms. “We’ve now seen each and every one of the mother fuckers. We know who they are. Finding them shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

“Especially now that we have a new taxi driver.” Drexel grins at Ridley.

“Careful, young hunter, I’m not nearly as attached to you as I am the others.”

Drexel pales slightly but brushes it off when Magnolia stifles a chuckle. She’s finally looking better, her color having returned overnight. It’s amazing what a night’s rest and Winnie’s French toast casserole will do for a person.

“Great. So our plan is to off the council members, destroy the regime—and then what?”

“We build it back up,” I reply, looking from Rainey to Delaney. “As a single organization with multiple seats held by different members of the supernatural factions. No more witches running the show, no more separate councils. No more fucking Accords. At least, not the way they are now.”

“Hunters going to be allowed on it this time?” Rainey questions, and I nod.

“They should have been on it from the beginning. I can tell you one person I’m really looking forward to destroying.”

“If we’re talking about Odette, I’m genuinely looking forward to watching that.”


“You guys do realize we’re looking at starting a supernatural revolution, right?” Elijah questions. “Completely unlike anything that’s ever happened in the history of our kind.”

“It’s also something that is long overdue,” Eira adds.

“I completely agree. But if we don’t have the manpower, we’re not going to make it very far, and there aren’t many willing to stand up against them. It’s easier to go along with orders than it is to stand up for what you believe in.”

“I made some calls,” the siren says. “Between them and the humans, we have our message being spread throughout the community. All we can do now is hope they show up.”

“If they don’t? Do we have a plan B?”

I turn to Drexel. “We run until they do.”

“That could be a long fucking time.” Cole’s fear is more than present in his tone, so Delaney grabs his hand.

“It won’t be,” she says. “This has to be it. The change we all know is coming. The world Aoife warned you about,” she says to Rainey.

Magnolia looks from me to Rainey. “What world?”

Rainey’s gaze darkens as she recalls a memory I imagine she’d rather leave buried. “The end of the world as we know it, Rainey Astor, begins with dead witches.” Her recount of Aoife’s prophetic words sends a fresh chill down my spine. “Not a warning you forget easily.” She turns to Delaney. “But do you really think this is linked? That this is all just some crazy-ass domino effect?”