“It’s going to be difficult to sneak around given we’re now fugitives,” Elijah adds.

“True, but luckily we have some humans with us, and they are untouchable.”

“We are?” Deissy stares at Cole.

“The councils are bound by The Accords they see fit to punish us with. You and Felix are safe. I’m not entirely sure about Paloma, though, given her marital status,” Elijah replies.

“So we’re going to be what, messengers for you?” Felix asks.

“Only if you want to be,” I tell him. “We won’t blame you if you want to go back to your own lives.”

He looks down at Deissy, who smiles softly. “If you want, that’s what we can do.”

Another moment passes before he shakes his head. “I’m happy to help in any way I can. This may not technically be our fight, but this is our city. And anything these assholes do in it is ours to handle.”

“You lot aren’t bad for humans,” Fearghas says with a grin.

“Agreed,” Ridley adds, speaking for the first time since we ran through the portal. “And given that these fuckers have come after me twice now, I’ll be joining in, too.”

Fearghas snorts. “You already were a member of our little Scooby gang,” he says. “Whether you wanted to be or not.”

“There really was never any choice,” Delaney adds with a smile.

“Yeah, well, you are going to need all the help you can get. I completely agree with Rainey. An army is exactly what we need.”

“Any ideas where to start looking?”

“My pack,” Willa offers. “We’ll make it a choice, though. I will not order my people to fight.”

“No one is asking you to.” Rainey’s tone is soft when she addresses the alpha, and I know it’s because Willa has already lost so much.

“Great. So as soon as we get off this floor, we’ll start putting together a bunch of bastards to fight another bunch of bastards.”

“Watch the language,” Rainey scolds Drex.

“Seriously? I thought we covered that I’m not a kid.”

“You covered that, but since we’re all old enough to be your parents—some of us your great, great, great grandparents—you’ll watch the language.”

He mutters something under his breath.

“So, what did they want from you guys?” Magnolia changes the subject, and I grin when Drexel shoots her a glare.

“To torture us,” Willa retorts.

“And test us.”

We all turn to Delaney.

“Test you?”

“They tested our bond then tried to kill Cole and force-fed him my blood.”

I sit straighten up and turn to Rainey. “They do the same to you?” She nods. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“They didn’t exactly explain to us why, but I pieced it together when my blood healed Cole.”

“At least your blood worked,” Rainey growls. “They sliced Elijah open and then waited until he nearly bled out before giving him bloodsucker blood. No offense,” she shoots at Tarnley.