“No. Seeing as how we don’t have nine hours to spare on a plane ride, I don’t see us opening the door from the other side and pulling them through.”
“Fuck. You know, another one would have come in handy right about now,” she snaps. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine this was on your ‘prepare for’ list.”
“It’s fine. And no, this wouldn’t even have made the top one hundred.”
“I could try to get past them,” Tarnley offers.
“And if they catch you?” Rainey questions. “They’ll kill you.”
“We do nothing, they kill everyone else,” he replies simply. “The risk is worth it.”
No risk is worth losing him, but I don’t comment on that, given Rainey’s mate and sister are among those trapped inside. “We need a distraction, something to disrupt the wards so you can sneak us past.”
“Fireworks?” Rainey asks. “I have a stash of them.”
“Why am I not more surprised?” I shake my head. “But it won’t be enough of one. They’ll be able to tell the direction they came from.” I consider our options until one pops into my mind. “I have a plan. But it’s on the risky side.”
“You ever heard of dead walkers?”
Tarnley gapes at me. “Shit. Bronywyn. You can’t be serious.”
“I can do it. I’ve done it before when we were trying to figure out what power Delaney possessed in Jane’s body.”
“You want to create a bunch of zombies?” Rainey looks completely and utterly disgusted, her upper lip raised, eyes narrowed on my face. “Seriously?”
“They are a bit of a risk, specifically if they go off target, but if we can get some to distract, we might stand a chance of sneaking by.”
“Unless I’m mistaken, don’t you need dead bodies to make dead walkers?”
“You do.”
“And where the hell do you plan on getting a bunch of dead guys? Do you have some kind of secret stash we don’t know about?”
“Not exactly.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I don’t have a secret stash, but I do know someone who does.”
“Of fucking course you do.” Rainey shakes her head. “I’m going to call and check in.”
“You really wantto create a bunch of dead walkers?” Tarnley questions.
“Not particularly. The magic feels—” I search for a word that comes close but fall short. “It feels wrong. But we need a distraction, and this will be a massive one.”
“If it doesn’t backfire.”
“There is that problem.”
“I’m assuming the person with a secret stash of bodies is me?”
Bronywyn smiles softly. “You do own a supernatural mortuary.”
“That I do.”
“Have any on hand?”
“I do, actually. Courtesy of our vampire friends who attacked Deissy.”
“So where are we going?” Rainey shoves her phone into her pocket. “Delaney thinks she can hold them off a bit longer, but they’re hitting your wards with everything they’ve got. She and Magnolia are working to keep them up. She gives it another two hours before they’re down.”
“Let’s get on with it, then.” Knowing what I’m about to do, I feel my stomach roll, churning with dread at the connection I will be forging with the dead. But with all those I care for trapped inside, it seems a small price to pay.
At least it will if it doesn’t kill me first.