“I survived, didn’t seem necessary.”

He doesn’t say anything, and I know he’s pissed. But it’s not like we can unload immortal lives of events in a matter of a few months. “If I’d been in more danger, I would have said something in the moment,” I tell him.

“I should have felt something. The bond—” He trails off as Rainey’s cell rings.

“What is it?” She’s silent a moment as her cheeks flush with color. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! We’ll be right there.”

“What is it?” I ask the moment she shoves it back into her pocket.

“It seems the council is already looking for another fight.”

* * *

We pullup outside my house, and every hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I can sense them, the bastards who think they’re going to get another shot at my friends. To avoid being overheard by any nearby supernaturals, I close my eyes and conjure a shield around us.

“Okay, no one can hear us,” I say.

“They said Ridley cannot dematerialize. He’s trapped inside.” Rainey glares down at the house.

“They must have the place warded.”

“They can do that?” she asks, surprised. “Ward over yours?”

“If the witch is powerful enough,” I reply honestly as I close my eyes and search for the source of the block. If I can remove it, they can get the hell out of there before these assholes destroy my entire place.

“Come out of there!” A witch calls out. “Come out, and we will make your death quick.”

“I’m going to rip them apart.” Rainey growls then turns to me. “Where’s your back entrance?”

“Back entrance?”

“Escape route. In case of fire, tornado, or hurricane.”

“The only back door I have is the safe house in Ireland. Call Delaney. Magnolia should be able to use it.”

Rainey pulls out her phone. “Have Magnolia try to open the safe house door.” She falls silent for a moment, so I close my eyes and attempt to assess the source of this magic. It’s strong, far stronger than anything I’ve felt before.

“Fuck. Fine.” She ends the call.

“What is it?”

“The safe house exit is not working.”

“What the hell do you mean it’s not working?”

“Magnolia can’t open it.”

“That’s impossible, there’s no way they could have gotten into the house. The slide with her blood on it was added to the panel security before we ever left for the council.”

“I’m only relaying what they’re telling me. And Delaney said the panel keeps sayingAccess Deniedwhenever she touches it.:

“Someone had to have removed her blood, then.”

“Who would have done that?” Tarnley demands.

“I have no idea.”

“And you have no other secret exit?”