He grabbed her legs and moved them over his thighs. He loved her so open like this, so spread out and relaxed underneath him. He dipped his head and wrapped his lips around a nipple, sucking gently as she moaned and dug her fingers into his shoulders.

“Nora…” he panted, and she kissed his cheek.

“It’s okay. Don’t wait for me.”

He nodded as he buried his head against her chest and came, after another thrust. He pulled out and felt the rush of wetness as his se**n poured from her onto the sheets.

“I’m sorry,” he said, laughing as he lay on his side. “I’m new at this.”

“Sex is a skill, Wes. You’re just starting to learn how to do it. Don’t feel bad.”

He rubbed his face as Nora rolled onto her side.

“It’s just…” He paused for courage. The whole thing was so embarrassing. “Can I ask you a question?”

“You can ask me anything. You know I have no shame.”

“You also have no orgasms. At least…not with me, right? You haven’t yet?”

Nora winced. “I’d kind of hoped you hadn’t noticed that.”

“You thought I wouldn’t notice that in the ten times we’ve had sex, I’ve come ten times and you’ve come…zero?”

“A lot of men don’t notice those sorts of things.”

Wesley sat up and looked down on her. So beautiful, his Nora. After sex, with her hair all wild and her skin flushed and her eyes glowing, she looked more lovely than she would in a five-thousand-dollar dress with ten layers of makeup on.

“I did notice. What am I doing wrong?”

Nora sat up and scooted back against the headboard. Tucking the sheets up to her neck, she tamed her hair and gave him a smile so kind and so pitying that he almost hated her for it.

“Wes, haven’t we discussed how you shouldn’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to?”

“But I want to know. For your sake.”

“You’re barely twenty. And you were a virgin until a couple days ago. You have no idea what you’re doing in bed. You don’t know how to touch me, don’t know how to f**k me. You’re so terrified to hurt me that I barely feel anything. You get me very revved up and then…nothing. Which is fine. I’m certainly adept at giving myself orgasms.”

Wesley felt himself shrinking with each sentence. “You mean, you give them to yourself? When?”

Nora shrugged. “After you fall asleep.”

“You do that when I’m asleep? Why?”

“Don’t want to get blue balls, right? Or blue…uterus, if that’s a thing.”

“But…I want to do that for you.”

Nora exhaled through her lips, blowing out the air like the horses did. It got a laugh out of him. A very small laugh.

“I want that, too. I can show you some things that’ll work. You put one finger inside me. I need three. I need my clitoris touched, a lot and for a long period of time, if you want to get me off. Harder thrusting is good. Different positions. I can’t get much clitoral stimulation in missionary position.”

“I think I should write all this down. Anything else? What works for you?”

“Oral helps. Going down on me.”

“I love doing that, but you know…if I’ve already come in you it’s…” Wesley winced.

“You don’t like tasting your own se**n?” Nora batted her eyelashes at him.

“No. Does any guy?”

“Do you want the list in alphabetical order by first name or last name?”

Wesley scrubbed his hands through his hair in amused frustration.

“I am so bad at this. Do I want to know what else works for you or should I quit while I’m behind?”

“Kink works.”

He glared at her.

“You asked, Wes. You can skip a lot of foreplay with me if there’s good kink going on. That works better than anything. Not saying we have to do it. Not now, not ever. You asked what works for me. That’s the answer.”

“I can’t do that.”

“I’m not asking you to.”

“Then what—”

“Just come here and pay attention. I’ll show you where the clit is. It’s lesson three. Or C, more accurately.”

Wesley rolled his eyes but did as he was told. He hated that he didn’t know how to make Nora feel as good as she made him feel.

He spooned up next to her and Nora threw her leg over his hip. Taking his right hand in hers, she guided it between her legs.

“The clit is like the eye,” she began.

“That’s the grossest analogy I’ve ever heard in my life.”

“That’s not what I mean, twerp.” She gave him a quick kiss. “I mean, you don’t touch the eye directly. If you need to touch it, you touch the eyelid. So you don’t touch the clit directly. You touch around it and over the clit hood. It’s very easy to find on me, as I have a shiny piece of metal in it.”

“How handy. Literally.”


Nora pressed two of his fingers around her piercing and started to move his hand in gentle circles.

“Right there is a lovely place to hang out and linger for a while.”

“I’m definitely not complaining,” Wesley said, feeling something starting to swell under his fingertips. “I could live here.”