“You do if you are not powerful enough. Which, I assure you, we all are.”

“So, what? You want us to bring you Bronywyn?”

The man laughs at Rainey’s question, and the younger Astor palms her blade and takes a step forward.

“We need you for nothing. I am merely here to inform you that, should you speak to her, it would be in your best interest to convince her to come peacefully. There’s no need for additional bloodshed.”

“Sure as fuck sounds like you need our help.” Elijah glares at the witch. “And in case you don’t know, Bronywyn does not have the best relationship with your council, given her previous history with you assholes. You know, your unapproved slaughter of innocent Lunar Witches and all.”

Max’s mouth flattens in a tight line, and the urge to rip his fucking trachea out is stronger than I’ve ever experienced. To keep myself from blurring across the room and doing just that, I clench my hands into fists.

“The council that approved that slaughter was wiped out. We are a newer group, and we don’t share the same logic that the old council members did.”

“So you don’t believe in killing innocent teenagers in their beds, then?” Rainey quips. “How chivalrous of you.”

The man glares at her. “Bring us Bronywyn, and she won’t have to be put down. Due to the extenuating circumstances and everything you people have done for Billings, we will let her infractions slide. However, should she continue as she has been,” he trails off and gestures to the bodies surrounding us. “We will put her down.”

The sound of doors shutting outside splits up our friendly little conversation, and we turn as my team starts shuffling into the space with bags and other materials needed to clean up the mess Bronywyn left behind.

“Excuse me.” I start to turn away but am stopped when my feet remain planted firmly on the ground. Turning back to face the warlock, I see every single one of my friends prepped for a fight, with Rainey already behind the warlock, blade pressed to his throat. Paloma watches cautiously, ready to intervene if necessary, even though she’s only human.

“I’ll make this easy for you,” Rainey growls. “Let him go, and I won’t redecorate your throat.”

“I’m being tolerant of your temper, hunter, though I won’t remain that way for long.”

She turns to me, and I nod. The spell breaks, so she steps back and moves toward Elijah.

“This is your final warning, vampire. Should you aid Bronywyn in evading our bounty hunters, you, too, will be held for your crimes.”

“Add it to my tally,” I growl, as I turn and blur from the space.

Thanks to my returned speed, I’m at Bronywyn’s new place in under five minutes. After coming to a stop just inside the driveway, I head toward the front door, but am stopped stupid when a woman comes into view on the balcony overhead.

Dressed in a thin robe that’s open to a white night shirt, she stands beneath the moonlight, face tipped up toward the sky, blonde hair wild around her face. I’m rooted in my spot, unable to move for the second time tonight. Only this time, I can’t bring myself to care.

When her gaze drops down and she spots me, she doesn’t move, either. Instead, she stands there, and we remain locked in this moment for what I really fucking hope is eternity.

Too soon, though, it’s broken when she purses her lips and disappears from the window. Swallowing hard, I do my best not to completely lose it when she appears in the doorway, wearing the same open robe.

Nipples pebbled from the chill in the air tonight catch my eye, and my cock hardens, the blood in my veins rapidly changing course.Fuck, I want her.

“What are you doing here?”

It takes me too long to form a sentence, but finally, I do. “I just got back from a viewing of your handiwork.”

A muscle in her jaw tightens, and she swallows hard. “Oh?”

“You can’t do shit like that, Bronywyn. You’re drawing attention to yourself.”

“I’m taking Billings back.”

“No, that’s what we’re all trying to do. You’re a dark witch, someone who already has a target on your back, and you’re making it bigger. Every single time you use that magic, you set yourself back. Do you not see that?”

“Because you care so damn much?”

“I care a hell of a lot more than you think.”

“Why is that I wonder? Maybe because if someone takes me out, you go, too?”