You will all be punished for this,the voice taunts me, but I know it wants me to lose my temper. Because if it does, it can be free of me.

It can find a new host, and we’ve already covered why that can’t happen.

I won’t regret saving Elijah. But I regret every single moment after that. I should have let the fae rip this magic from me the moment I wound up with it. Instead, I allowed it to seduce me—corrupting my soul until all that was left was a fraction of who I was.

It took losing that shadow magic to show me exactly how deep in hell I’d fallen.

“They’re up front!” a witch yells from somewhere behind me, so I cling to the blade and dip into a doorway, hiding my face and praying for the first time in forever.

If I can just get out of here—if I can get back to Tarnley, I will let Fearghas and Ridley rip the magic from me. Even if it kills me.

“Well, well, what have we here?”

I stiffen at the voice but do my best to put on a face that doesn’t show just how afraid and in pain I am. The witch in front of me is not one I recognize, though based on her sneer, she knows exactly who I am. “I felt like a walk.”

“Did you now? Couldn’t have anything to do with your pathetic friends trying to break in?”

I swallow hard but betray no other emotion. “How about you save us both some time and take me to them.”

“With pleasure.” She grins and makes a move toward me. “How pathetic. A witch without her magic.”

The moment she’s within range, I slice out, the blade ripping open the side of her neck. Unfortunately, I just missed my mark.

“You bitch!” She raises her palm and blasts me with power. My back slams into the wall, and I shrink to the ground in a useless heap. The witch retrieves my blade and kneels in front of me. Without any more hesitation, she draws her hand back and drives the blade into my right shoulder.

A scream rips from my throat as pain sears me from the inside, the iron of the blade eating away at the useless fucking magic in my blood.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” She twists, and I cry out, and tears fall from my eyes. “Let’s just leave that in there. Can’t have you bleeding out now, can we?” She stands and grabs my hair, dragging me down the hall in the opposite direction of where I was headed.

If she takes me back to the cell, I know I won’t escape.

I’ll die in there.

And yet, when she passes it, continuing down the hall toward the intensifying sounds of battle, I feel no relief. Because knowing Tarnley will watch me die moments before the bond takes him as well is a hell of a lot worse than bleeding out alone in a prison cell.

Either way, I know I’m not walking out of here.

Not this time.

And it’s because of that fact that I know it’s well past time I embrace all that I’ve become. If I’m going to die anyway, why not go out with a motherfucking bang.

I need you.

You don’t deserve me.

I don’t. But I’m asking for another chance. Please, give me back my power.

The voice chuckles darkly, the noise echoing through my brain.Give me complete control.

I swallow hard. If I do this, there’s no going back. I’ll be selling my soul for the dark power, giving into it completely.

“You’re going to watch your little bloodsucker die.” We turn a corner as dozens of witches rush forward, heading straight for where this bitch is taking me.

The fear of losing all of them is what pushes me to take the leap.No harm comes to those I care for. That is my deal.


I want your word. You will not harm them.

You have my word. They aren’t worth my time, anyway.

The council wanted me to use my power. They wanted a monster. I’d say it’s time to give them one.You can have me.