
The floor gives out, making way for a massive black hole that swallows up the woman I love, right along with the council member who stole her from me.

“Bronywyn!”I race forward, and the floor closes up just as I reach it. “No!” I roar, beating on the floor as my mind races to make sense of what the hell just happened. One moment. One blip in the span of our lifetimes, we were allowed to be happy.

Why the fuck was it taken from us?

“Check my pocket.”Since Winnie took all of Bronywyn’s clothes except for the jacket slung over my bedpost, that’s where I go first.

It doesn’t take me long to find what it is she wanted me to see. Scrawled on notebook paper, in her elegant handwriting, is a spell for bonding me to someone else.

My stomach lurches, my heart seizing. She means for me to break the spell, to save myself because she believes she’s going to die.Not a fucking chance.

I waste no more time as I toss the spell to my bed and race over to my slacks, ripping the phone out of my pocket. After tapping on the screen, I hold the phone up to my ear and watch the witch across from me for any sign of movement.


“They are going to kill her.” The words are poison on my tongue, a virus ready to eat me from the inside.

“Kill who? What are you talking about?”

“The council. They found Bronywyn, Delaney. They took her, and they’re going to kill her.”

“We’re on our way back, Tarnley. We will get her.”

The call ends, and I drop my phone. The elevator doors ding. Two heartbeats, both belonging to hunters, fill my ears as Rainey and Elijah rush for my room.

Eyes wide, they study the damage. Rainey drops the fast-food she’s carrying. “What the fuck happened?”

“They took her.”

“The council?”

I turn to Rainey and growl, “Who else?”

“How long ago?”

“Just now,” I answer Elijah, as I step toward the witch currently passed out on the ground. “This witch will know where he’s holding her.”

“Then let’s get her somewhere secure and wake her the hell up.”

Body numb, I manage to pull on some clothes as Elijah hoists the unconscious witch up onto his shoulder, and Rainey clasps iron cuffs around both of her wrists. They disappear out into the hall, and I take a moment, a brief moment, to suck in a calming breath.

This can’t be it.

Bronywyn can’t be gone. Not now. Not after everything we’ve done to finally be together.

After steadying my breathing, I move out into the living room where Rainey is talking to Ridley. “The last time I helped you assholes, I nearly ended up ash.”

“We need you to go get Delaney and Cole. They’re waiting in his truck outside a house in Jefferson, Texas.”

“So, you just automatically assumed I would help?”

“Stop acting like an asshole, Ridley. We all know you’re not.”

I glance over my shoulder, surprised to see Fearghas leaning against my countertop, arms crossed over his chest. Beside him, Eira stands like stone, face tight. She and Bronywyn have never been overly close, but their relationship was the closest thing either of them had to an actual friendship. At least, until Delaney came along.