
After spending all night and half the day very nearly walking face-first into traffic half a dozen times, I’m stepping off the elevator and back into my apartment. The desperate need to get the vision of Bronywyn’s nearly naked, bruised body out of my head is still in full force, though, my time wasting did nothing to ease the agony of seeing her that way.

Of knowing how fucking close I came to losing everything I care about in the blink of a fucking eye.

I set the bags down on the counter and spin just as Winnie steps inside, humming her cleaning tune while she carries a basket of laundry. “I took the liberty of washing your clothes as well, Tarnley. I hope that was fine.”

My mouth quirks up in a grin. I absolutely adore this woman. “That is great, thank you so much.”

“I saw to it that Bronywyn went straight to bed after her bath, and she’s still sleeping soundly.”

Relief floods me. I half expected her to be gone when I returned. “Thank you. I really appreciate you being here.”

“I love her like my own,” she says, wistfully. “Was no trouble at all.”

I smile softly and rub my free hand over the back of my neck. I’ve been up for damn near forty-eight hours straight, and I’m exhausted. “Will you be joining us for dinner? I was thinking of ordering out.”

“And what would be in those bags, then?”

Slightly embarrassed, I reach inside and pull out a bag of dark chocolate sea salt caramels—Bronywyn’s guilty pleasure since she first discovered the chocolates a few decades back.

“Ah, yes. She will love those.”

“I thought so.” After setting them on the counter, I glance back up. “How is she?”

“Last night, Rainey threatened to force feed her some pain meds, so she ended up taking them.”

“Rainey was here?”

“Yes. Last night shortly after you left. It was rather amusing. I very much enjoy her company.”

“She and Elijah are good for each other.”

“I bet so.” After casting a glance over her shoulder, she moves quickly across the living room and into the kitchen. “I believe the pain meds have helped, she’s been sleeping soundly. I’m willing to bet that she’ll be back to herself—physically at least—by the time she wakes up. Your blood has already erased a lot of her bruising.” The woman sighs, her shoulders slumping in exhaustion. “What are we going to do about her?”

“Honestly? I have no clue.”

“We have to save her no matter what it takes.”

“And we will.”

“I know that if there is anything that can be done, you will see to it.” She reaches up and pats my cheek gently, a tender touch chock full of motherly vibes. It warms my heart.

“I won’t let anything happen to her. Not while I’m still breathing.”

“I only hope she allows you to keep her safe. She’s as stubborn as they come, that one. A soft heart covered in thick, thorny vines.”

Never has there been a more apt description of Bronywyn, and I wonder if she realizes just how much this woman before me cares for her. How much we all care for her.

“We won’t take no for an answer.”

“And this is why you’re my favorite.” She reaches forward and touches my hand. “She has a hard shell, Tarnley, but it’s always been rather soft for you.”

If only that were true. “Thank you, Winnie.”

“Don’t you dare order out, I’m running to the store, and I will cook. Not taking no for an answer, either, lad.” With that, she tosses me a wink and heads for the laundry basket in the living room. “There’s more medicine on the counter for when she wakes.”