“Because Tarnley deserves better than to have to watch your pathetic ass writhing in pain because you’re too fucking stubborn to take over-the-counter pain meds.”

“How do I know these are what you say? You could just be trying to knock me out.”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Winnie reaches into the cup and takes out one of the pills then swallows it down. “I watched her get them out of the bottle that I brought for you.”

“You have some serious trust issues, witch. Should probably work on those.” Rainey hops down off the back of the toilet. “Have to get to work—murderers to catch and all that. Try not to get yourself killed in the next few hours.” She pauses and glances over her shoulder. “If you hurt him, I will chain you up somewhere dark where no one will ever find you.”

“What? Can’t bring yourself to get rid of me completely?”

“Not at the risk of Elijah’s best friend.” She slams the door, and Winnie turns to me just as I’m popping the three remaining pills into my mouth and using the water to wash them down.

“I like that one.”

Rolling my eyes, I lean back in the tub. “Of course, you do. Wait, why is Magnolia working on a spell? Where is Delaney?”

“Out of town,” Winnie replies.

I push the concern at her absence aside and nod in understanding. “Now that you know where I am and I’ve taken the medicine, can I finish my bath in peace?”

“Of course. I’ll bring you fresh clothes and get these cleaned.”

“Burn everything but my jacket,” I say. “Leave it.” I still have the spell to give to Tarnley, and I can’t risk it getting ruined in the wash.

“Burn them?”

“Yes. I nearly died in those clothes. I never want to see them again.”