
Something cool presses against my forehead, then again near my nose. My eyes flutter open, vision blurry at first, but clearing with each passing moment until one face comes into view. One incredibly handsome, spell-casting face.

Tarnley’s crimson eyes watch me cautiously, his face somber.

“What happened?” my voice is raw, my throat burning as I speak. But that pain is nothing compared to the agony when I try to sit up.

“You were ambushed.”

“By what?”

“Witches. We barely got to you in time.”

“We?” And then I recall the gunshots. “Rainey.”

“You’re welcome.” At her voice, I glance over and meet her brown gaze as she stands beside Elijah.

He nods. “Walker, too. Shit, Bronywyn, you were nearly—” His voice breaks, and he shakes his head.

It doesn’t make sense, though. After everything I’ve done, why would they risk themselves? And how did they know? “Why the hell would you come for me?”

“Because you might be a fucking pain in the ass, but you’re our pain in the ass.”

Rainey’s words resonate with a part of me I thought the shadow magic killed. “It hurts.”

“You were pummeled with the magic of nearly thirty witches,” Elijah says, softly. “You’re lucky to be alive.”

I’m guessing I have Chasin’s amulet to partially thank for that.“They weren’t trying to kill me.” I sit up, wincing as I lean back against the back of Tarnley’s leather couch.

“Sure as fuck looked like they were from our point of view.”

I shake my head. “They wanted me alive. The council wanted me. He was there…the councilman you warned me about.”

“How the fuck did he sneak back without us knowing?”

“I’m going to kill that shifter,” Rainey growls.

“What shifter?”

At my question, Tarnley shakes his head. “Doesn’t matter. What matters now is keeping you from them. What the hell were you doing? I warned you about him. Why would you meet him?”

“I wasn’t supposed to be meeting him. He was there, waiting for me. And I wasn’t alone,” I reply. “Or, I didn’t think I was.”

“Your warlock buddy sit that fight out?” Rainey’s tone rings with ‘I told you so,’ but thankfully, she doesn’t come right out and say it.

“He let you be attacked?” Tarnley’s body vibrates with anger, and I know he’s contemplating all the ways he could leave here and hunt Chasin down, but the idea of him leaving me alone—I can’t stomach it. Especially not when I don’t have my magic.

“I thought you were an all-powerful witch who didn’t need friends. Why the hell didn’t you use your magic?”Rainey snaps.

“I tried.”

“What do you mean, you tried?” Elijah questions.

“I mean my magic was completely inaccessible once the actual fighting started. I don’t know what they did to me, or how, but I didn’t stand a chance.”

“Well, they were obviously concerned, or they wouldn’t have had that many witches jump you.”