“Loyalty is for the weak. The incapable. You are neither.” Eyes glittering with possibility, he reaches forward and grips my arms. “I felt it inside, and I feel it now. So much power.”

I rip my arms from his grasp and pin him with a glare that I hope leaves no room for argument. “If you aren’t here to support me, then feel free to take your ass back to Canada,” I snap. “I don’t need you here.”

“All of this show, it’s not necessary. Let’s just march our asses up to the council and take them out.”

“You mean why don’t I just march up and take them out.”


Now here is someone we can agree with,the magic says.

“I have a plan, Chasin. A method. And I will not be swayed because you’d rather I murder innocent witches to prove my power.”

“Chances are they aren’t innocent.”


“Look, if you do this, you’re giving people the chance to stab you in the back.”

“Not everyone is a snake,” I snap.

His expression softens. “I’m only worried about you.”

“Don’t be. I have this all under control.” But as the weight of the light pendant Elanora gave me settles against my pocket, I can’t help but wonder if those words are not just one massive fucking lie.