Stop fighting him.

I shove away, the shadow’s lust for Tarnley giving me the strength to put some distance between us.

Hands close around my arms, but before I can protest again, we’re standing outside of Eira’s club with the night air surrounding us. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“I want to be alone with you.” Eyes nearly all black, he looks completely alien to me now.

Not sure what else to do, I ball up a fist and slam it into his jaw. He steps back from me and snarls.

But within seconds, he closes his eyes and shakes his head, sucking in breath after breath. I watch, hanging on every moment, and still attempting to appear like I don’t give a shit. Mainly because I shouldn’t.

Corrupted bond aside, Tarnley’s made it damn clear he doesn’t want me as I am, so why the hell should I still feel what I always have for him?

I can make the feelings go away again,the voice promises. For a brief moment, I consider letting it do just that.

But the evening in Tarnley’s apartment where I very nearly killed every single one of those I once thought of as friends pops back into my head, and I know I can’t give up complete control again.

No matter how badly I want to bury my feelings.

After another heartbeat, he opens his eyes. The shadowy ring has all but disappeared. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Trying to enjoy a nice evening out,” I snap. “One that you ruined, might I add.”

His eyes narrow. “So, you had no intention of killing that male?”

“How—”The bond,I’m reminded before I can even vocalize the question.

Brows drawing together tightly, Tarnley glances away from me for a moment. “At first, I could feel your anger; it was a flash. Then it changed to the need to find release.” He shakes his head. “You were going to kill him, weren’t you?”

“I was.”

“Before or after you fucked him? I felt that, too…your arousal.” The last word comes out on a growl, and I grin.

“Jealous, are we? Sorry, bloodsucker, you had your chance.” I pat him on the chest and start to push past, but he stops me.

“You can’t go around killing supernaturals, Bronywyn.”

“Why the hell not? The sisters you all seem so damn enamored by do it all the time.”

“They’re hunters.”

“Correction,oneof them is a hunter. The other is a witch.”

“They don’t kill just because of someone’s faction.”

“I wasn’t going to kill him unless he tried to feed off me. Which, in case you missed it, he was going to.”

Tarnley shakes his head. “Keep it up, and I won’t be able to keep you safe.”

I lean in so close my breath fans over his face. “I really, really don’t know how I can be clearer. I don’t want your protection, your pity, or to be the subject of your ridiculous rescue mission.” Briefly, I let the power snap out, and he rips his hand back, shaking it.

“One of these days, you’re going to be in too far.”

“Possibly. But I will have done more good for this city than the Astor family combined.”

I shove past him and head into the shadows of the parking lot. If I can’t get my release here, I’ll fucking find somewhere else to do it.