We stare at each other, and I narrow my eyes, almost wishing she’d attack so I could kick her hunter ass into next week. “He dies, and no amount of shadow magic will save you,” she growls, as she turns away.

“You’re more than welcome to try to take me out, Astor, but I promise you it’s not going to be me who loses.”

Delaney glares at me, and I turn to her, my once friend looking more hurt than anything. “What happened to you?”

“I realized what I was worth. Get the hell out of my house.”

After a moment, they all turn and retreat, the four of them heading back out into the sun after shitting all over what could have been a great day. Raising my hand, I slam the door behind them and put the ward back up.

“You fucking let me down, Chasin.”

“Because you didn’t tell me that vamp boy here was bonded to you. They used his blood to track you.” He steps forward and holds out a hand for the necklace. Quickly, I remove it and hand it over. “When you’re done, get me some of his blood, and I’ll re-work the spell. That, or let him die, and we’ll break the bond between the two of you so losing it doesn’t take you under, too.”

“You can do that?”

Chasin arches a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Break the dumbass bond you put in place? Yes.”

My gaze shifts from him to where Tarnley lies, looking inches from death. His face is tight, evidence that although he is unconscious, he is not at rest. I think of all of the times he saved my life over the years: the supernaturals who would come into my clinic, looking for blood and threatening me instead, or even the time he saved me from Elijah.

The very same incident the ex-vampire felt inclined to remind me of less than five minutes ago. Truthfully, I owe Tarnley more than I care to admit, and my one act of saving him twenty years ago is still overshadowed by the times he’s come to my aid.

“If I save him now, can you still break it?”

“Not without killing him.”

So, I can either let Tarnley die now, and break the bond, or stay bonded to him for the rest of eternity.It’s not even a choice. Let him die,the voice coos. It’s alluring, the idea of being free from the only person who can seemingly break through my emotional blockage.

The only one who makes mewantto cling to the light when the dark is far more seductive.

Before I can consider any further, I grab a blade and slit my wrist open, then rush across the living room and press it to his lips. They’re soft beneath my skin, and I silently urge him to drink me in, to let my blood bring him back.

“Choice made, I suppose.” Chasin’s tone is dark. “But just know that one of these days, that bond is going to get you killed.” His retreating footsteps bring me relief, and I sink down into the cushions. Nothing. No pull, no sign of life, nothing that lets me know whether or not Tarnley is already too far gone.

Readjusting, I use my wrist to open his lips, pressing the cut directly onto his gums. “Come on, you stubborn ass. Drink. Drink or I will kick your ass.”

This is a mistake.

No. Losing him would be.

In the end, you will lose him anyway.