After pulling on a light sweatshirt and splashing some water onto my face, I head down the stairs and into the kitchen. “Morning,” I greet Chasin when I see him perched on a barstool, reading through a hardback with no jacket.

“Morning, sunshine.”

I pour myself a cup of coffee and pluck a honey crisp apple from the bowl, finally taking a seat on a stool one down from him.

“You doing okay?” he questions, as he sets his book to the side.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” I bite into the apple, and sweet juice explodes into my mouth. The taste so perfect I nearly groan. “Damn, that’s a good apple.”

“I can tell. Maybe I should have one.” But he doesn’t make any move to grab one of the other three in the bowl.

“Go for it.”

He holds my gaze another moment, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a necklace. Boasting a large, gaudy white stone about the size of a silver dollar, it sits in the center of aged gold and is easily one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen. Suddenly, the comment he made last night about costume jewelry makes sense.

But as soon as he sets it down in front of me, I can feel the power wash over me. Cautiously, I lift it, the heavy weight settling into my palm. “This is it, then?”

“Nearly.” With a savage grin, he reaches into his pocket and withdraws a clear vial containing crimson. He unplugs it and pours the contents onto the gemstone. Magic slams into me, radiating through my palm and shooting up my arm before rushing into my body.

It mixes with my own, and I grin as the power nearly consumes me in the best possible way. “That packs a punch.”

“As I said it would.” Taking the necklace from my palm, he rotates me around, and I hold my hair to the side while he drapes it over my neck. “This will shield you from any prying eyes.”

“No one will be able to sense me?”

“No. And should anyone try to use any magic against you again, this amulet will absorb the brunt of it.”

Perfect.My thoughts drift to Delaney, and my smile widens. She’s going to try her best to save me, but if she can’t, I know she’ll try to kill me. This amulet will ensure she doesn’t succeed, though a part of me—the dark part—really, really wants her to try.

Now you’re seeing things my way.

Not quite,I think back at the voice. “This is so great, Chasin, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now. How about you invite that cute little witch back over here?”

“Not a fucking chance,” I reply, as I push to my feet. “She’s only nineteen.”

“Which, according to humans, is an adult.”

Disgusted, I turn back toward him. “Touch her, and I’ll cut your cock off and watch as you slowly bleed to death. Understand?”

His hands go to his groin. “Ouch. I get it. Girl’s off-limits.”

“She’s more than off-limits. Besides, she’s caught the eye of a very powerful hunter. You really do not want to bark up that tree.” It amuses me to consider how much Drex probably would have appreciated my description of him.

“Fine, fine. Point taken. What’s the plan for today?”

“You’re headed back to Canada.”

“Actually, I think I’ll be sticking around for a while. Seems you may need some allies.”

“Oh, does it?”

“After last night, nothing has ever been clearer.”

“And suddenly, you give a shit about me?”

“Honey, if I didn’t give a shit about you, I wouldn’t be here.”