“Always so touchy. And never in the fun way.”

Rolling my eyes, I step out onto the sidewalk and head straight for the car that will take us to the private airport where my jet waits. But before I climb in, I turn around. “Let’s get one thing straight.”

“Anything.” His dark eyes glitter with the promise of mischief. While I need his help, there’s not a damn moment of any day where I will fully trust him.

“You will not use your abilities onanyoneelse in Billings; do I make myself clear? No orgies, no tricks, nothing.”

His grin spreads. “Completely understand, doll face.”

“Good.” I spin and climb back into my car. Chasin follows me in and shuts the door. Without a word, the driver pulls onto the street, and we begin our short drive to the airport.

We will be unstoppable,the voice coos.No one will ever see us coming with his cloak firmly in place. Then, when we need him no longer, we kill him. His ability will be a rather nice addition to ours, don’t you think?I spare a glance at Chasin, note the way he watches out his window without paying me any attention.

I could kill him now.

Take his ability, and then I would no longer need his help.

My magic sparks at my fingertips and I stare down at it.

No.I speak the word with such force it shoves the magic back down.

“No, what?”

“Sorry, I was thinking something. Didn’t mean to say it out loud.”

Chasin arches an eyebrow. “Do you often scold yourself?”

You have no idea.“It’s gotten worse.”

The driver turns down another road, and before I know it, we’re pulling up to the airstrip, stopping right in front of the private plane I rented for this trip.

“You ready?”

“To go to Billings? Hardly. That place is a shit hole.” Chasin fakes a shiver. “But I suppose I can manage just for you, doll face.” He winks.

“My, my, how sweet of you.” My reply is dry as we climb out of the car and take the steps quickly.Easy for him to say that when the other option is death. Kill him now, and let us be rid of him.Clearing my throat and ignoring the literal voice telling me to kill him, I make my way over to a seat and buckle myself in as Chasin does the same.

“Can I get you a drink?” The steward asks.

I shake my head. “Just get us in the air.”

“Yes ma’am.” With a slight bow of his head, he turns away and heads for the cockpit.

“You truly have changed,” Chasin comments.

“Time will do that to a person.”

He studies me a moment before shaking his head. “Not like this. Something happened to you.”

It’s not a question as to what, and I’m grateful for that, but just him alluding to it pisses me off. “I’m none of your concern. Do your job, and we will be even. You can return to your brothel, and all of this will be nothing but a memory.”

“Uh-huh. You know, I’m going to need to know sooner or later just who you’re running from.”

“No. You don’t.”

“I do. Otherwise, I won’t know what strength of a spell you need.”

“The strongest you have,” I reply, thinking of Delaney. She may be somewhat new to her powers, but her strength matches mine. Or, at least, it did before. Now, nothing even comes close.