The voice washes over me, settling in my bones as I turn toward Bronywyn. Dressed in black jeans and a black tank top, she stands a few yards away, the only one of us not currently covered in black ash. My blood turns molten, hammering in my ears as my canines slide down, my barely leashed need surging to the surface.

Elijah grips my shoulder.

“What in the fuck are you doing here?” Rainey demands, rushing forward to stand beside me.

“What does it look like? I’m helping.”

“Helping? We had it perfectly under control,” the youngest Astor says.

Bronywyn smiles, so beautifully radiant that it knocks the air from my lungs. The black rimming the green of her eyes is the only thing that keeps me on my feet. Evidence that the woman I love is no longer there. “I’ve been here for nearly an hour,” she says, softly.

“And how the hell is that? We only just learned about this place,” Fearghas demands, coming to stand beside us.

I glance to my left and to my right, grateful that they’re flanking me on both sides and Elijah’s hand is still on my shoulder. Because if they weren’t? I would have already rushed forward and buried my fangs into her jugular.

“I have my ways,” she says, her gaze traveling to me. A small smile plays at her lips, and she winks. “You hungry? I’ve got just what you need.”

“I’m going to take a shot in the dark and guess that you followed Tarnley and me to that nest, then overheard what they told us?”

“My methods don’t really matter.” She jumps down from the chair she was standing on, and every single one of those I’ve come to know as friends take a step closer toward her. “Bodyguards?” She clicks her tongue. “I can fix your diminished strength, Tarnley. All you have to do is say the word.”

“Let us help you, Bronywyn,” Delaney begs, moving closer. Cole moves alongside her, a shadow desperate to keep his mate safe.

“Look around, Delaney. Do I look like I need help?”

“That magic is corrupting you.”

She shakes her head. “The magic is making me stronger. And whether you want to admit it or not, you need my help.”

“We need your help like I need to have my teeth kicked in,” Rainey snaps.

“That can be arranged.”

“Touch her, and there’s no amount of previous friendship that will save you,” Delaney growls.

“How sweet. The two of you have re-bonded. How very wonderful for us all,” Bronywyn says, dryly. She begins to pace, her leather boots soundless on the ash-covered concrete floor. “Listen, you need help bringing the city back to its former glory, right? So let me assist.”

“And why would you want to help? What’s in it for you?”

She turns to Elijah. “Other than being able to prove to you that I am no damsel? Getting my city back.” She glances my way. “And Tarnley’s blood, of course.”

“You’re not getting a drop from me,” I growl.

“You’ll give in, sooner or later. That, or you’ll die, and then I’ll have no reason to stick around. That what you want, Tarnley? If it is, then get on with it already. You’ll solve both our problems.”

I try my best to hide the pain her callous words caused, but if she were to look close enough, she’d see their effect. “Then I guess that’s what I’ll do.”

“Stubborn moron.” She shakes her head in disgust. “Your pride is going to get you killed.”

“Then, at least, I won’t have to watch you turn into a fucking villain.”

Her smile is carnal as she steps closer. “Can’t you see, Tarnley? You all have already decided that I am one.”

“Please, Bronywyn, please let us help you.”

She whirls on Delaney, and Cole growls. “When will you hear what I’m saying? I don’t want your help. I’m powerful, Delaney. More powerful than you can even imagine. With my help, you can rid this entire city of monsters.”

“All except one,” Rainey shoots back. “Unless, of course, you plan on showing yourself the door as soon as it is done.”