Page 97 of One Night Together

Leo extended a hand. “Nikos.”

Nikos gave him a brutal handshake and stepped away, muttering something about getting on with things. Not a great start, but it could’ve been worse.

Her parents entered the living room.

Melina took a seat and cast a slow glance around the living room. “Interesting décor,” she said, turning her attention to Cassandra.

Meanwhile, Nikos remained standing as if he was preparing to issue an executive order.

Cassandra clapped her hands together. “Who wants tea?”

“Not for me, thanks,” Leo answered, taking a seat.

“It’ll only take a minute.” Cassandra dashed into the kitchen.

Melina got to her feet. “I should give her a hand.” She followed her daughter.

Nikos stood staring out the window with hands clasped behind his back.

This impasse wouldn’t ease until someone spoke, so Leo broke the ice with the most obvious topic. “I defended her last night.”

Nikos said over his shoulder, “I assume you’re referring to your very public fight with that prick, and now my daughter’s name and photograph is splattered across every social media platform?”

“Yes.” Leo got to his feet and faced off with Nikos. “Owen insulted Cassandra. I asked him to apologize, and he refused. I asked him again, and he still refused. So, I hit him.”

“Did he ever apologize?” The corner of Nikos’s lip ticked up.

“After I hit him, he did. It was a perfect shot.”

“Good,” Nikos said, lifting his chin.

Leo had scored a few points with Cassandra’s father, but it was too early for fist bumps.

“I don’t like all this attention on my daughter.” Nikos gave a shake of his head. “Cassie is a sensitive girl. She always has been.”

Here was the central problem. Nikos treated Cassandra like an overprotected child who would never be an adult in his eyes. “Cassandra is a woman, not a child.”

Nikos pointed a finger at Leo’s chest. “You think you know everything about my daughter, but you don’t. Owen used her in the worst possible way. By the time he was through with her, my beautiful, intelligent daughter had become an insecure person I barely recognized. I won’t let it happen again.”

He had no doubt Nikos meant every word he said. Nikos wasn’t just being protective of Cassandra. He wanted the best for her. Well, so did Leo.

“I will never do anything to make Cassandra unhappy.”

“Like your father did for his wife?” Nikos asked with a snicker.

It was a low blow, but Leo wouldn’t be deterred.

“I’m not my father.” Leo kept his voice low and controlled. “I’ve made mistakes, and I’ve got a past as much as any other man, but all that’s behind me. I’m serious about Cassandra, and I believe she feels the same way about me.”

Nikos continued to focus his full attention on him, but his angry glare had reduced. “Cassie told me about the community projects you’ve worked on. She’s impressed. I am too.”

“Thank you,” Leo said. “I found out this morning my company won a Walker Foundation Grant. We begin work on a community project in Greenwich next week.”

Nikos broke out into a genuine smile. “Congratulations.”

Leo nodded. “Thanks.” Another point scored. Hopefully, they could move on from antagonizing each other.

Nikos cast a shrewd eye to Leo. “You’re stilla competitor.”