Page 86 of One Night Together

Leo left the car with smooth confidence and held out his hand to help her out. She’d gotten used to wearing high heels to work, so she was no longer as clumsy like she’d been on their first date.

She tilted her head to take another look at the building. The striking architectural details were enhanced by strategically placed outdoor lighting. Formal topiary plants flanked the elegant double-door entrance.

“Right this way,” greeted the doorman, holding the door open for them.

Leo guided her into a grand foyer with black-and-white marble floors and mahogany-paneled walls. The lobby was more like a private men’s club than a hotel with several deep brown leather-tufted chairs and couches. While they passed through, the staff greeted him by name. Did he dine here often?

They walked past the main glitzy restaurant and headed toward a smaller restaurant called Hastings. “Good evening, Mr. Sutton,” the host said with a Jamaican accent and a nod to her.

“Hi, Daniel,” Leo replied.

“Your table is ready.” He took two menus. “Follow me.”

Decorated in subdued earth tones and leather chairs, the restaurant included a bar that spanned the back wall. Cassie noted many diners took a second glance as she and Leo passed by. Daniel escorted them to a private nook. A table set for two, covered with a long, white linen tablecloth and several lit votive candles in crystal holders. A single purple orchid lay next to her place setting. She slid onto the curved banquette, and Leo moved in beside her. Daniel handed each of them a menu.

“Macallan, Mr. Sutton?”

“Yes. Thank you, Daniel.”

“Can I get you a cocktail, miss?”

“I’d like a caipirinha, please.”

“Very good.” Daniel turned and left.

“Perfectly pronounced,” Leo said, his smile broad.

She basked in his praise. “I have a great teacher.” She lifted the orchid and turned it between her fingers. “Thank you for this. I sense a theme with the orchids.”

Leo took her hand and focused his full attention on her. “Do you remember when you asked me why I was attracted to you?”

Of course, she remembered. She’d spent hours after their night together trying to figure out what went wrong, but also what he saw in her in the first place.

“Yes. It was when you dropped me off at Beatrice’s townhouse.”

The candlelight reflected in Leo’s eyes. “I never told you before, but the first time I saw you was at the terrace bar at the Kronos Hotel.”

“You were watching me?” All this time, she believed the first time they saw each other was in front of the Kronos.

“I was mesmerized by you. All the other women looked the same, but you were different. You were like an exotic orchid among a field of common flowers. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

Never in a million years would she have expected him to say something like that. “Leo, I had no idea.”

“It’s how I feel.” Keeping his eyes on hers, Leo lifted her hand and kissed it. “I’ll be happy to prove it to you.”

Her cheeks flushed with heat. She needed to slow things down, otherwise she would demand he get a room so they could get to the sex part of the evening. “Was Charles Sutton interested in history?”

“You’re changing the subject.” Leo leaned in to catch her eye. “He was more interested in women and gambling. Why do you ask?”

“The name of the restaurant is Hastings. I thought it might have something to do with the Battle of Hastings. You know, the eleventh-century battle? William the Conqueror?”

Leo didn’t say a word and just sat there grinning at her.

“What’s so funny?”

“Hastings was the name of his favorite racehorse.”

“Oh.” She covered her eyes, wanting to hide under the table.