Page 55 of One Night Together



Leo handed his keys to the valet and glanced up at the Sutton Building. It was his great-grandfather’s idea to buy a dilapidated, eighteenth-century building and restore it to its original Georgian splendor. At the time, critics described the restoration as a frivolous waste of money, but now, it’s one of the most prominent buildings in London.

He was ten minutes late for his meeting with Malcolm and that made him smile. Punctuality was a virtue to Malcolm. He didn’t tolerate tardiness for any reason. Malcolm used his displeasure to intimidate others, but Leo wasn’t intimidated.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Sutton,” the receptionist greeted him.

Leo stopped by the receptionist’s desk. “How have you been, Stella?”

“I’m doing all right.” Stella had been with the company for years. “I miss seeing you around here.”

He hadn’t been here since his father died. “I’ve been gone for a while, but I’m back.”

“I’m glad.” She gave him a smile. “Go on up. I’ll let Michelle know you’re on your way.”

He passed by his great-grandfather’s portrait gazing at the goings-on. Leonard Sutton might have been overly stern, but he had vision and extraordinary talent.

Leo stepped onto the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor. Malcolm had been actively campaigning to move the headquarters. Why rent office space when the Suttons already owned a renowned historical building? Malcolm argued he wanted to locate the new headquarters on the outskirts of London because living in the city was too expensive for their employees. It was a ridiculous excuse because he chose the location to be closer to the estate he was building in Berkshire.

The elevator doors opened, and he strode down the hall, keeping his eyes fixed straight ahead.

“He’s ready for you, Mr. Sutton.” Malcolm’s assistant jumped up from her desk to open the office door.

“Thank you, Michelle.”

Malcolm Sutton, Acting Chairman and CEOwas engraved on a brass plaque next to the dark wood door. Leo wanted to tear it off the wall. The office had belonged to hisfather.

“Malcolm,” Leo said as he entered the office. He was surprised to see the minimalist chic light wood furniture was unchanged. Malcolm sitting behind the desk was an insult to his father’s legacy.

“You’re late.” Malcolm didn’t take his eyes away from his computer, tapping on the keyboard. Malcolm’s hair under the bright overhead lights was so blond it was almost white, just like his mother’s.

“Let’s just get on with it.” Leo turned his back on Malcolm and faced the window. Weak sunlight peeked through the puffy clouds that gathered over the city. Malcolm pretended Leo’s appearance was an unwelcome interruption to his day. Leo knew otherwise. He was a threat to Malcolm, and he relished that sliver of power he had over him.

“You haven’t RSVP’d to Grandfather’s birthday party,” Malcolm said, still typing.

“You called a meeting to ask me if I’m coming to Gramps’s birthday party?” He turned around to face Malcolm. “Isn’t Whitney the party planner?”

Malcolm’s mouth turned down.

Leo pressed his lips together to keep from laughing. Malcolm was so easy to fuck with. All he had to do was say Whitney’s name and Malcolm would react.

“I asked you here to discuss the board meeting, not Whitney,” Malcolm said. “Speaking of his birthday party, you’ve never bothered to attend in the past.”

“Since it matters so much to you, I’ll consider coming this year.”

“I’m sure my grandfather will be thrilled,” Malcolm said with a smirk.

Leo gave Malcolm a level gaze. “Ourgrandfather.”

“Perhaps, and then again, perhaps not.” Malcolm’s voice was calm but laced with his favorite taunt that Leo was not a legitimate son.

“Keep working on it, Malcolm.” He stepped closer to the desk. “You won’t be satisfied until you strip me of my name.”

Malcolm folded his pale hands together and slowly raised his head to Leo. “Nothing would give me greater joy.” He flashed a toothy grin.

He wished he could punch that stupid smile off his face. Instead, he focused on the reason he came here. “So, what’s this about the board meeting?”