Page 6 of One Night Together

“It’s easy.” The corner of his mouth lifted. “If my name is Eros, you must be Psyche.”

Cassie took a closer look at him.He didn’t strike her as someone who would know much about Greek mythology. He looked like a wealthy playboy who was used to spending loads of cash on cars and women, but right now, on this empty terrace, those mesmerizing amber eyes regarded her with unmistakable interest.

He inclined his head to her paperback on the table and turned to her. “You’re reading a book about Greek mythology.” Without taking his eyes from hers, he said, “Eros had a thing for Psyche, the most beautiful woman in the world.”

As a consummate social introvert,Cassie never mastered the art of flirting with men. She didn’t know how to respond to his comment or seductive gaze. But at this moment, she wanted to be Psyche,hisPsyche.

“I’m sorry,” Cassie said, flustered. She got to her feet, grabbing her purse. “I should go.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Psyche. I hope I see you again.” The man stood and reached for her hand.

“I don’t think so,” Cassie mumbled. “Good night.” She left as fast as she could.

Back in her room, Cassie took a shower and wrapped a plush white hotel robe around her. Instead of adjusting the air conditioning, she opened the sliding door for some fresh air. She stepped onto the balcony that overlooked the moonlit sea. Movement below caught her eye. It was Eros. God, just saying that name was silly, but it was perfect for him. He sat at the table, thumbing through the paperback she’d left behind.

There was no way she would go back to get her book. But what if she did? What if he focused those eyes on her as if she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen? One yank would be all it would take to shrug off the robe, get dressed, and go back to him. She could do it. Then what would she do? What would he do? She gripped the robe’s sash. Time to decide.

He put the book down and rose to his feet. Cassie moved back into the shadows so he wouldn’t see her. He was leaving. She’d missed her chance.

He took a couple of steps away and stopped. She sucked in a breath. Was he coming back? Did she still have time to go down there?

He returned to the table, picked up the book, and left the terrace. He would probably drop it off at the front desk. Or, what if he kept it because he wanted to find her? She smiled, pressing her fingers to her lips. That would be romantic.

A mocking inner voice reminded her those kinds of things don’t happen in real life. She blew out a long breath—a breath she’d been holding for what seemed like forever. Things had to change, but they weren’t going to change unless she took theaction to make it happen.

She stepped closer to the edge of the balcony and peered over. No one was there. The full moon and star-filled sky shone down and surrounded her with light.

She pushed away from the window and slid into bed. Starting tomorrow, she would take more chances. For tonight, she would let her dreams indulge in what it would be like if she had a second chance to see him again.