Page 47 of One Night Together

“Why are you so interested in the Suttons?”

She scrambled to come up with the most believable answer. “I’m just concerned about Dad. He’s always been so proud of his business.”

“You’re right. He built the business up from nothing,” her mom said with pride. “Now that James is gone, your father has set his sights on Malcolm.”

This was interesting. Did this mean Leo wouldn’t be seen as a rival?

“Anyway,” her mom continued, “I’m worried about your dad. He’s been successful for years, but he’s struggling now. His partner has decided to retire, and I wish your dad would too.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not right now, but I appreciate it. Oh, I almost forgot,” her mom said. “The Triton Hotel sent a package to you.”

She glanced at the clock. She had a few more minutes before she had to get going.

“Really?” Why would the Triton send her a package? “Go ahead and open it.”

“Okay, hold on.” Her mom put the phone down while Cassie waited. Cardboard tearing and some rustling papers were in the background. “It’s a paperback of Greek mythologies.”

Leo sent the book. She knew it. Her body flooded with the same hyperawareness she’d had when she first met him.

“I must have left it in the room,” she muttered, her heart racing.

“There’s a card included. Do you want me to open it?”

This was a risky decision, because she had no idea what was in the note or how she would explain it to her mom. But there was no way she could wait for her mom send it to her.

“Go ahead,” she said, her throat tight while she waited.

“Huh. All it says is, ‘Please forgive me.’”

She pressed a hand to her neck, feeling her pulse pounding under her fingertips. “Is there a signature?”

“It’s just signed with a capital ‘E.’”

Leo was apologizing and reminding her he was still Eros.

“Elena must have sent it,” she blurted. “Maybe she’s sorry she didn’t send it earlier?”

“I guess so. Well, I don’t want to keep you any longer. Good luck, I love you, and please don’t worry about your dad. He’ll be fine.”

“Okay. Bye, Mom. I love you.”

She ended the call and sat on the bed staring at the phone. Nothing had changed. Leo might have apologized, but he he’d let her walk away.

Cassie glanced at the time again. She would have to leave soon if she didn’t want to be late. She hurried downstairs to the kitchen. The scent of frying sausages and toast meant Mrs. Mackay was at the range making breakfast.

“Good morning, Mrs. Mackay.” She took a mug from the cupboard and poured some coffee.

“Good morning, Dr. P,” Mrs. Mackay said over her shoulder.

“Where’s Professor Somerville?” The perennial early riser wasn’t sitting in her usual spot in the nook.

“She’s been staying up too late, so I thought I’d give her a lie-in.” Mrs. Mackay plucked the sausages from the pan and put them into the oven to keep warm.

“I thought Beatrice wasn’t supposed to eat sausages?”

“She’s not. They’re for you. I wanted to give you a proper breakfast for your first day.”

“That’s sweet of you, but I’m pretty nervous. I think all I can manage is a piece of toast and coffee.”

“Not even a boiled egg?” Mrs. Mackay asked in surprise.

“No thanks.” She kept her eyes on Beatrice’s empty nook. Beatrice never slept in, not even when she’d had insomnia. Something was wrong.

She sprung to her feet. “I’m going to check in on the professor. I’ll be right back.” She dashed up the steps.

Arriving at Beatrice’s room, Cassie knocked a few times and waited for a response. No answer. She entered the room. Beatrice was sound asleep. She’d left the bedside lamp on and dropped a book on the floor. “Beatrice?” She didn’t stir. Worry pricked inside her. She leaned in to take a closer look and noted Beatrice’s pale skin and shallow breathing. Cassie placed her fingers on Beatrice’s inner wrist, detecting a faint and erratic pulse.

She let go of Beatrice’s hand and ran down the stairs. “Mrs. Mackay!” she called out. “Call for an ambulance!”