Page 45 of One Night Together



“The weather was wonderful, but the trip was a waste of time,” Ben said as the driver turned onto his street in Mayfair.

“It was the right thing to do,” Leo said in frustration.

Ben shook his head. “I told you not to get involved with anyone, and you went ahead and had a one-night stand with the daughter of Nikos Papadakis.”

“We’ve been over this a million times. I didn’t know who she was until it was too late.”

“Aside from that colossal mistake, you convinced me the Triton was a good fit for us, then you withdrew the bid.” Ben frowned at Leo.

“There’ll be other opportunities.” Leo glanced out the window. Ben was right, but after finding out Nikos was Cassandra’s father, he had no choice but to let Cassandra walk away and withdraw their bid.

“I’m still angry you did it without checking in with me.”

“I get it. I’m sorry.” Leo turned to the window.

“Look, Leo,” Ben said with a heavy exhale. “I know I give you shit about getting involved with a woman, but I can see how miserable you are. I understand the rivalry between your families, but we’re not living in the nineteenth century. It’s not like you stole her virtue and now it’s pistols at dawn with her father. If you want Cassandra, you should go for it.”

God, he was tempted, but he doubted she would talk to him now.

“I’m still a Sutton.” Leo turned back to Ben. “Trust me, Nikos would go ballistic if he found out I was with his daughter.” He scratched his beard. “I hate to admit it, but I don’t think we would’ve gotten the contract anyway. We’re a new company bidding against two established builders.”

“We still could’ve tried,” Ben said, his voice tight.

They could have tried, but Leo couldn’t take that risk. Ben was still angry, but he never held a grudge. They sat in silence the rest of the ride until the driver stopped at Ben’s townhouse.

“I promise not to drag you off to Greece next time,” Leo said. “There are lots of other opportunities closer to home.”

“Okay,” Ben said with a relieved smile. “Go home and relax, and I’ll see you in the office tomorrow morning.” Ben left the car.

The car pulled away from the curb. The London weather was as miserable as his mood. Watching Cassandra leave this morning was the hardest thing he’d ever done. His only other option would’ve been to explain to Cassandra why her father hated him. At least then, if she had decided to leave, it would have been her choice.

Leo closed his eyes and leaned his head against the headrest. The car’s wiper blades beat a steady rhythm, reminding him of dancing naked with Cassandra on the boat. It filled him with insatiable need. He did believe in fate and was sure it played a role in meeting her.If they were destined to meet again, only time would tell. In the meantime, he had to keep his focus on growing Costa Development and staking his claim for Sutton Properties.