Page 4 of One Night Together



“Listen, Stan.” Leo ran a hand over his beard, looking at the man on the other end of the video call. “You’ve known me for years. Costa Development is the right company for this project. With financial backing, I’m positive we’ll win the contract.” Stanley Wellman was on the board of Sutton Properties. He had also been his father’s banker for decades. Impeccably dressed and not a gray hair out of place, Stan was always calm and optimistic.

“I don’t know why you’re even interested in making a bid,” Stan said. “You’ve been gone for months. No one knew where you were. Malcolm offered you the vice president role. Your father would have wanted that for you.Malcolm is ready to be named the next chairman and CEO of Sutton Properties. It’s a done deal.”

“It’s not a done deal,” Leo protested. “The board still has to give their approval.” As the acting CEO, Malcolm called the shots for now, but Leo intended to stake his claim and win control of the company. There would be no compromise. He’d been using his own money to finance his charitable community developments. He’d had some success, but he’d have to give up those special projects unless he found outside financial support to expand their business. Worst case scenario would be working for someone else, especially Malcolm. He would never let that happen.

“You’ve been busy working on those community projects,” Stan said with a shake of his head. “That’s light years away from hotel development.”

“It’s still construction,” Ben interjected. “Leo is a builder and an architect who can handle all types of projects. I have the financial expertise. Together, wecan do this job.”

“I believe you, Ben.” Stan took a deep breath and gave Leo a tight smile. “I like you, Leo. I always have. Give me one minute.” Stan shut off his mic and leaned in to confer with a few of the other bankers.

Leo scrutinized each of the banker’s body language. Stan’s gestures were animated while the other two sat with their arms folded on the desk, but they both smiled and glanced at the camera. It was impossible to know what they were thinking.

He turned to see Ben giving him a hopeful nod.

Leo responded with a thumbs-up. It wasn’t over until the bank refused, so why not be optimistic?

Stan faced the camera and switched his mic back on. “We’re going to need more time. Let’s schedule a meeting in another week when we can see some preliminary plans. In the meantime, it would be helpful to get the support of Stavros Angelos, the owner of the Triton Hotel. If you can do that, I think the bank would reconsider.”

“Okay. Thanks.” He still had some time. “Ben and I are staying at the Triton, and we have a meeting scheduled with Mr. Angelos tomorrow.” He ignored Ben’s surprised expression. No meeting was scheduled, but he’d work on getting one.

“Excellent.” Stan gave him a satisfied smile, saying goodbye to the other bankers who ended their call. “I guess that’s it for now, guys.”

“One last question,” Leo said. “What’s the status with my grant proposal?” Stan had offered to guide him through the process.

“It’s moving along. Your work with those community projects is a perfect fit for the Walker Foundation. They’re interested in improving global communities. The fact you’re committed to that kind of work caught their attention. However—” Stan fidgeted and cleared his throat.

“However, what?” He had a suspicion what the problem was going to be.

“The Walker Foundation is a conservative group, and they’re concerned about your notoriety on social media. Not overly concerned, mind you, but enough to make them hesitate.”

Leo rubbed his temples. “Nomatter what I do, I’m never going to get away from that shit.”

“I said they weren’t overly concerned, but there will always be people who choose to see what they want to see. You and Ben have done good work. Be proud of that.”

He couldn’t control what people believed about him. His life was an open book and he’d made mistakes, but he took pride in what he’d accomplished.

Stan gave a nod. “Bye, guys. We’ll talk next week.”

The screen went dark.

“Well, it wasn’t a total disaster. You need to keep a low profile with the press.” Ben exhaled a huge breath. “We also have to find a way to schmooze with the owner to choose you, the brilliantly talented younger son of James Sutton. I’ll send Stavros an email right now requesting a meeting.” Ben opened his laptop and got to work.

Leo went to the small bar and surveyed the collection of liquor and wine available. He poured some Macallan into a crystal tumbler. He took a sip, relishing the burn on his tongue and his throat.

“I’m beat.” Ben yawned and stretched. “I’m going to get some sleep.”

“See you tomorrow.”

“Wait a minute.” Ben spun around. “You never told me why you wanted me to give that brunette a ride.”

“Just trying to be polite.” It wasn’t a complete lie, but he regretted not getting her name.

Ben took a closer look at him. “Nothing else happened between you two?”

“I don’t know her name, I didn’t get her number, and she didn’t recognize me, so no harm done.”

“Good. Landing this contract is too important to get distracted.”

“I agree.” He walked to the sliding door. “Good night, Ben.”

“Get some rest,” Ben said, leaving Leo’s room for his own.

Leo stepped onto the balcony and noticed the low concrete wall with a small gate leading to the adjacent room. It wasn’t very private. He made a mental note to include a more secure barrier between the rooms. He took another sip of his drink, and his gaze drifted to the terrace restaurant below. It was empty except for a woman sitting alone at a table in the corner. His pulse ticked up. It was her. The stunning woman from the Kronos sat with a brandy snifter, reading a book. The full moon and a candle on the table provided the only light.

She’d said she was a doctor. She was probably too sophisticated to have any interest in a reformed playboy. What if he just had a brief conversation with her? Surely, there was no harm in that.