Page 2 of One Night Together



“Okay, I’m finished snooping around.” Ben settled back in the teak armchair and took a sip of his gin and tonic.

“What did you see?” Leo asked his business partner, hoping he would confirm his findings. He’d known Benedict Kamausince they were students at Cambridge. Ben was the youngest son of a wealthy Kenyan entrepreneur, but he had no interest in joining his three older brothers in working for the family food processing company. Ben was a genius at finance and Leo’s best friend.

“I saw multiple cracks in the drywall, leaking around the sinks and the toilets in the public bathrooms, and gaps in the woodwork,” Ben said, counting on his fingers. “What did you find?”

“Lots of nail heads popping through the drywall and cracks in the concrete.” Leo pointed to the tiled terrace. “Look at that. There’s a whole network of cracks in this tile. Who knows what problems are in the guestrooms?”

Ben leaned forward, saying in a low voice, “This makes sense from what I’ve seen in Malcolm’s financial report you sent me. He’s cutting corners and is likely skimming off the top.”

“Do you think we’ll have enough proof by the board meeting?”

“Between what we’ve seen here and what clients and crew members have told you, we should have more than enough proof for the board.” Ben took a sip of his drink.

“I wish we didn’t have to wait for the meeting to expose Malcolm.” Everything was riding on the board meeting when a new chairman and CEO would be named. If successful, Leo would claim control of Sutton Properties and restore its prestige. Failure meant Malcolm would use every tool he had to ruin him.

“It’ll happen. Keep your eyes on the prize, Leo.” Ben finished his drink, setting the glass down with a thud. “We should get going. The conference call with the New York bankers is in an hour.”

Leo cast a critical eye around the terrace bar. It was no surprise that the Kronos Hotel would attract wealthy people from all over the world. The bar and every restaurant on the property were packed to capacity, and there hadn’t been a single occupancy since it opened a month ago. His father’s reputation as a builder guaranteed the Kronos would succeed, but Malcolm’s finished product was a substandard version of his father’s original elegant design.

“Why don’t you go ahead and get the car? I’ll meet you out front in a minute. I want to take one last look around.”

Ben’s eyes grew wide, and he clutched his chest in mock shock. “And leave you alone in plain sight?”

Leo had warned Ben they needed to keep a low profile. He didn’t want to risk any guests or hotel staff recognizing Malcolm Sutton’s half brother poking his nose around a Sutton property.

“I look like an employee.” Leo gestured to his dark slacks and white dress shirt. “I haven’t had a haircut or shaved in three months, and we’re practically hiding in this darkened corner.”

“Don’t they have barbers in Rio?”

“Smartass.” Leo grinned, sipping his scotch. “The people in the Santo Pedro favela accept me for who I am.” He’d made lifelong friends with the entire community. Working to renovate it had been a labor of love.

“The world’s most famous, reclusive, and eligiblebach-e-lorisn’t allowed to look scruffy.” Ben emphasized the three syllables with his posh British accent.

“I’ll accept the reclusive part, but I’m not eligible. Not now, not ever.”

Ben tossed a credit card down.

Leo held up a hand. “Cash only.”

“Sorry, I forgot.” Ben got to his feet and ran a hand through his tight curls. “No paper trail.”

“I’ll take care of the bill.”

Two women strutted by. Both moved with the practiced sway of their hips that announced their presence and preparation for the evening competition between the rich, young, and beautiful. He couldn’t wait to leave, but he didn’t want to go before taking a final glimpse of the woman who had caught his attention earlier.

“Don’t take too long. Sooner or later, someone will recognize you.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Okay. See you in a few.” Ben left the bar.

He tilted his head to see around the people filling the terrace. Was she still here? No, he couldn’t see her anywhere. He let out a sigh. It was for the best, because he didn’t need a woman to complicate his life right now. Leo couldn’t forget watching her earlier. He’d noticed her after looking around the hotel and waiting for Ben on the terrace. It was less crowded then, and no one obstructed his view.

She’d sat alone, absorbed in reading something on her phone, oblivious of her surroundings. Her brunette hair was styled in a low knot on her neck. She wore a long skirt, a loose peasant blouse, and dark-framed glasses. Those glasses were made for a nerd, but she looked more like a sexy librarian. When she tipped her head back to take a sip of wine, her neck formed a graceful arc. Her olive skin glowed from the light of the setting sun.It was as if everyone on the terrace disappeared, leaving just the two of them.He’d imagined her hair loose around her shoulders in the wind. He would bury his hands in her hair and kiss her until she yielded to him. He would discover all the secrets she kept hidden behind those glasses.

He dragged a hand over his beard, recalling the image. Even though he’d remained in the same seat at the same table in this crowded bar, the image had been so vivid. He’d never reacted to a woman like this before.

He glanced over the bar again. The women all looked the same. They wore short dresses, high heels, and way too much makeup. He thought of his woman.Hiswoman? When did she become his? She was different from all the others. There’d been an exotic air about her that contradicted those damn glasses and the clothes that covered almost every inch of her body. If the women here were like brightly colored wildflowers, this woman was an orchid. A single, elegant orchid who stood apart from every other woman.

And now she was gone.

Taking a final sip of his drink, he tossed some euros on the table and left the terrace bar, shutting the woman out of his mind.