Page 154 of One Night Together

This wasn’t the best time to approach this subject, but he had questions. “Why did you act as an informer? You didn’t need me. You could have confronted Malcolm yourself.”

“True, but Malcolm has surrounded himself with loyal supporters. It could have become incredibly complicated if I acted alone,” Gramps said, exhaling in frustration. “Malcolm would have protested, and there was a good chance I could have been ousted. I suspected you wanted to lead the company, and I thought it would be best to contact you and Ben as outside resources.”

“Why did you call me the night of your birthday party? You were nervous.”

“I was indeed.” Gramps let out a heavy sigh. “Malcolm and Eleanor were pressuring me to announce Malcolm as the next successor at the party. I resisted, claiming it wasn’t the appropriate time. And then I was bombarded with guests asking questions about it. The expectation was so high for Malcolm to assume control that I panicked. Not everyone likes Malcolm, but he has powerful allies in the banking world and the government who might have pushed back or given him cover. I needed reassurance that you and Ben were fully onboard.”

Leo almost lost Cassandra because of that call, but there was no point in discussing it further. His grandfather had been frightened and alone, trying to do the right thing and report Malcolm. His respect for Gramps’s courage deepened.

“That’s understandable. I’m sorry you had to carry that weight all by yourself. I had no idea you were under that much pressure.”

“Well, it’s all over now.” Gramps turned to him with a smile. “I am so happy you’ll be taking over Sutton Properties.”

“I’m still a little stunned.”

“You’ll get used to it.” Gramps patted him on the arm. Keeping his eyes focused out the window, Gramps said, “This has been a difficult day. I feel like I lost my son all over again.”

Leo slid his hands in his pockets as the rain dripped down the window in rivulets. “I still miss him. Every day.”

Gramps nodded, clearing his throat. “I’m so very grateful for you, Leo.”

“I feel the same way, Gramps.”

Leo’s life had transformed today. He’d expected to feel triumphant, but instead, he felt satisfaction laced with humility for the fragility of life. He would never take one minute of his life with Cassandra for granted.

“I’ve always suspected Malcolm was illegitimate. I believe your father did too.” Gramps turned to him. “It wasn’t easy for Malcolm. He tried to make his father proud but never succeeded. They shared nothing in common. As soon as your mother was pregnant, everyone recognized how much James loved her. Eleanor resisted a divorce. Her money was too entangled with the company by then, and she threatened to go public with the details of their disastrous marriage. It could have caused irreparable damage to the company’s stock.” With a heavy sigh, his grandfather continued, “I admit I encouraged him to remain married and keep his mistress. I’m sorry because I believe he would have found true happiness with your mother. You would have had the family you deserved.”

Leo listened closely to these details he’d never heard before. He was surprised by his grandfather’s revelation that he was the one who discouraged a divorce. Yes, Leo’s life would have been different, but that had to be balanced against all the experiences that made him the man he was today. To remain hung up on past grievances was a waste of precious time, and he had no intention of doing that anymore.

“Your father fought for you. He refused to accept you couldn’t be found. Once your mother died, he combed the planet searching for you. He was ecstatic when he brought you to England.” Gramps tilted his head, studying Leo. “I’m not asking you to forgive the cruelty Malcolm and his mother exposed you to. That’s up to you. However, I want you to know the impact you had when you arrived here. You looked so much like your father. You thrived in learning all you could about the business while working at construction sites. You were a daily reminder to Malcolm what he’d never be to his father.” Gramps shook his head. “What Malcolm has done is wrong. He’ll pay for his crimes, but it wasn’t his fault for having a different father. Hopefully, he’ll find some peace with this. I pray he does, for his sake.”

“I hope so too.” He meant it.

Gramps studied him. “You’re not wearing your contact lens.”

“No, Cassandra doesn’t want me to hide behind it, and I agree. It’s time to move forward.”

“So, you’re back together?”

“Yes, and this time I’ll never let her go.”

“She’s perfect for you, Leo. I’m so glad you’ve found each other. Do you think you’ll give up your non-profit building plans? I know how much they mean to you.”

“I hope to do both. I have a few ideas, and the first one has to do with ending rivalries.”

“I agree.” His grandfather’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Speaking of rivalries, I’ve invited someone here who will be an asset to Sutton Properties, but he might need a little convincing.”

“I think we’re on the same track,” Leo said with a grin.

He stood side by side with his grandfather at the window while they shared a few ideas about how to move the company forward, but his thoughts kept turning to Cassandra. He couldn’t wait to be with her and share his good news.