Page 136 of One Night Together

Great, Lucy wasn’t going to tell him either.

“She should be with me.”

Lucy shifted in her seat. “She’s been through a lot this last year. Owen and her best friend betrayed her trust, she lost the fellowship, Beatrice died, and now she’s been given a huge piece of land she never expected to own. On top of all of that, she’s uncertain about her career.” She cleared her throat. “I believe you care about her, but to be totally honest, this isn’t all about you. You’re just one more issue she needs to figure out.”

“I could help her.” Leo looked down at Sarah sound asleep in his arms. Watching her centered him. The last thing he wanted to do was cause Cassandra any more stress. He would need to put his own fears aside for now.

“I understand this must be hard for you, Leo, but you have to do what’s best for Cassie.”

“I might lose her if I wait too long.”

“I don’t think so,” she said, her smile sympathetic. “I think you’re the love of her life.”

Lucy’s comment reassured him, but it didn’t solve how to find Cassandra. “Please tell me where she went. I promise I won’t bother her.”

“She’s on her way to Meraki,” Lucy said in a quiet voice.

Leo nodded, relief rushing through him. “Thank you.” Of course, that’s where she would go.

“Cassie wanted you to know because she didn’t want you to worry.”

For the first time in hours, he was able to take a full breath. She still cared about him. It wasn’t much, but this tenuous thread of hope would have to be enough right now.

“Cassie also told me she wants a couple of weeks alone.” With a pointed look, she added, “That includes you and her parents.”

How could he wait that long? He’d lose his mind if he didn’t see her before then. His phone pinged with a text. He shifted Sarah in his arms to get to his phone. The message was from Tom, his construction supervisor.

There’s been a theft at the construction site. The police are on their way. I’ll meet you there asap.

With a sigh, Leo slid his phone back into his pocket. Tom could handle this crisis, but Leo had committed to being available. He couldn’t go to Cassandra tonight. She was safe and wanted to be alone right now. He would have to go to Crete later.

“Bad news?” Lucy asked.

“I’ve got a problem at a construction site.” He got to his feet, holding Sarah.

“At night?” Lucy rose from the couch, rocking Grace.

“There’s been a theft. I’ll have to talk to the police.”

The front door opened, and Justin stepped in. “You must be Leo.” He closed the door and scrutinized Leo with a deep frown. Justin was tall, fit, and not happy to see Leo in his home. Just when things improved with one of Cassandra’s friends, now he had to convince another that he cared about her.

“I am,” Leo said. “And I wish we were meeting under different circumstances.”

“I told Leo that Cassie’s on her way to Crete,” Lucy said.

Justin took Sarah from his arms. “She wanted to leave town as soon as possible, so I put her on our jet.”

“Look, you two.” Leo ran a hand down his face. “I want to thank you for taking care of Cassandra and for letting me know where she’s going. I promise not to jump on the first plane to Crete.”

Justin held the door open. “Be good to her, Leo. Cassie is one of our closest friends.”

“I will. She means everything to me.”

“Thanks for helping Sarah get to sleep,” Lucy said with a sincere smile.

With a final nod, Justin closed the door.

Leo left the apartment feeling lighter. Now, if he could only last two weeks.