Page 135 of One Night Together



Leo returned to the party briefly and spoke with his grandfather. He was relieved Malcolm and Whitney had left, but he didn’t learn anything about Cassandra’s whereabouts. He sat with his phone back in his apartment, trying to figure out what to do next. He didn’t have Nikos’s personal number, but he could reach out to him through his company contact information. He found the number for Argo Construction and debated over leaving a message. Nikos had threatened him if he hurt Cassandra, so contacting an angry father wasn’t the best option.

He scrolled through his phone, hoping to find some idea for how to find her. He knew where she worked but that didn’t do him any good right now. He could hire a private detective, but that was heavy-handed and would take too long. What he needed most right now was the reassurance she was okay.

Cassandra said she was going to see a friend, but which friend? He’d only met one of her friends. Lucy Hamilton was married to a famous musician, so she wasn’t going to be easy to reach. Ben was a genius at locating contacts through social media, so maybe he would know how to find Lucy.

With a surge of adrenaline, his finger hovered over Ben’s number. All he had to do was hit the button, and Ben would help him, but Ben and his family would be in bed by now.

He got to his feet and paced, deciding what to do.

His phone pinged with a text.

Hi Leo. This is Lucy Hamilton. Cassie gave me your number. Can you come over to our place? I need to talk to you. Our address is 41 Ladbroke Square.

This was an amazing stroke of luck. “Thank God.” He took a deep breath and typed a reply.

On my way.

He parked near the Hamilton’s building in Notting Hill and climbed out of his car. It was late, and he was exhausted, but he felt energized with the hope that Cassandra would see him. He hurried across the street and entered the building.

After the doorman verified Leo’s visit with Lucy, he dashed to the elevator and pushed the button, keeping his eyes on the lights as the elevator made its way up to the top floor. The doors slid open, and he hurried down the hall and knocked on their door.

Lucy opened the door while holding a fussy toddler, and another cried in the background. “Hi, Leo, come on in.”

“Thanks for contacting me,” he said, stepping inside.

“I’m sorry, but Sarah and Grace are being stubborn tonight. Neither one of them wants to go to sleep.”

“Can I help? I’m pretty good with kids.”

“You sure?”

“My best friend has two boys. I’ve been the good luck charm getting them to sleep.”

Lucy gave him a tight smile. “Okay. Here’s Sarah.” She handed him an adorable brunette. “And I’ll get Grace.” She headed for the living room.

Leo nestled the little girl in his arms and rocked her back and forth as he’d done with Ben’s sons. He followed Lucy to the expansive living room and settled on the couch. The room was decorated with elegant taupe furniture and subdued lighting.

“Thank you for contacting me,” Leo said.

“Cassie asked me to text you.” Lucy’s tone was polite but reserved. She was a loyal friend of Cassandra’s, and he suspected that was the only reason she agreed to speak with him.

“Is she here?” he asked, hoping to see her enter the room.

“No.” Lucy scooped up Grace and took a seat in the corner of the sectional. “She came here from your apartment. We talked for a while, I insisted she call her parents, and now Justin has taken her to the airport. He should be on his way home now.”

His heart sank. She was gone, and he had to accept it.

“How was she?”

“Upset. Confused.” Lucy glanced down to Grace. “I’ve never seen her like this. She’s devastated.”

“Where is she going?”

Lucy lifted her steady gaze to him. “Somewhere she feels safe.”