Page 103 of One Night Together

“Here and there.” Nikos lifted a shoulder. “I became obsessed with being as successful as James. And I was. Our rivalry was good-natured at first, but there were a few big projects he campaigned for, and I won. Eventually, he lost interest in the business, but I didn’t.” Nikos studied Leo. “I’m sorry about what happened to him.”

“Thank you.”

“You remind me of him.”

“Right,” Leo said with a laugh, raking his fingers through his hair. “That doesn’t bode well for me getting your approval to dateCassandra.”

“Let’s keep my daughter out of this.” Nikos chuckled, then paused for a moment. “No, I mean you have the same enthusiasm he had as a young man. I’d like to know more about why you’re so interested in these community projects. Can they be profitable?”

“That’s not exactly the purpose,” he replied politely. Now was as good a time as any to give Nikos a crash course in what it meant to transform people’s lives.

By the time the jet landed, Leo and Nikos had reached a new understanding about business. Nikos had a genuine respect for his work, but Cassandra was a topic they both avoided. Eventually, Nikos would recognize Leo was serious about his daughter, and he would do everything he could to make her happy.