Page 9 of One Night Together



After maneuvering around tables of gawking tourists, Leo and Ben got settled in what was supposed to be a secluded seating area on the restaurant’s terrace.

Ben adjusted his sunglasses. “I thought you said this place was private?”

“That’s what the concierge at the Triton told me. They promised they’d take care of it.” Leo took a closer look at the three bodyguards hovering nearby. They were as big as professional football linebackers.

“Well, at least we’ll be left alone,” Ben said.

Leo drummed his fingers on the table. He glanced again at the restaurant’s name on the front of the menu,The Sirens Song.The stunning brunette from last night was like a siren to him. “Remember the woman from the Kronos Hotel? The one I wanted you to give a ride to?”

“Yeah,” Ben said while studying the wine list. “What about her?”

“She’s staying at the Triton. I saw her from the balcony last night and decided to go talk to her.”

“That’s a coincidence.” Ben took a closer look at him. “Uh oh. You have that look.”

“What look?”

“The one that tells me you’re infatuated with a woman. That look.”

“I’m not infatuated.”Liar.“We had a short conversation and that’s it.”

Ben lifted his brows. “She still didn’t know who you are?”

“I don’t think so.” It had been a fun conversation. There were none of the usual lingering glances or obvious suggestions to hook up.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” The waiter asked, arriving at their table.

While Ben gave his order, Leo spotted the brunette on the other side of the terrace.

She wore her hair in the same knot as last night. She was leaving with a woman who had a couple of babies in a stroller.

She stopped to undo the knot, loosening her long, wavy hair. Even from this distance, her sensuality beckoned him. Her sumptuous mouth haunted his dreams last night. He’d dreamed of kissing her full lips and taking her every filthy way he could imagine until she begged to come. He’d only had a brief conversation with her, and he wanted more. She ran a hand through her hair, trying to control the wind-blown tresses. She was like a siren from mythology. Their song was irresistible and dangerous. Men risked their lives to be with them. Against all logic, he yearned to do the same.

“Leo?” Ben prompted.

He kept his eyes on her until she left.

“Would you like anything to drink, sir?” the waiter asked.

“A beer is fine. Whatever you have on tap,” Leo replied to the waiter.

“I’ll be right back with your order.” The waiter left, weaving around the bodyguards.

“Seriously, Leo, what’s gotten into you? We’re here to land the deal. Once it’s settled, we go after Malcolm.”

“She was just here, and I think I’ll see her again.” He wanted to believe this was true. Seeing her three times in less than twenty-four hours had to be more than mere coincidence.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because I believe in fate.” Leo opened his napkin with a snap. “Don’t you?”

“No way.” Ben laughed. “I’m too pragmatic. I believe in hard work and discipline. What you get is what you earn. Period.”

The waiter returned with their drinks.