Page 80 of One Night Together

Nikos pointed a finger at Leo. “I don’t give a shit about your business or who you supposedly re-invented yourself to be.”

It was time to be crystal clear about where Leo stood.

“Your daughter is an adult. She can make up her own mind.”

“Did you know she recently acquired property on Crete?”

“Yes, she told me Professor Somerville left it to her.”

“You’re going after the property, aren’t you?”

What? Leo put his hands up. “Absolutely not. The property belongs to Cassandra. I would never interfere.”

“Bullshit. I don’t believe you.” Nikos got to his feet. “Stay away from my daughter.”

He lifted his chin to Nikos. “And if I don’t?”

Nikos’s face twisted into controlled rage. He leaned in closer and said, “Try it and find out.”

Leo slowly rose from his seat. He was ready to stake his claim. “As I said, this is Cassandra’s decision. If she wants to end things, I’ll accept it. If she wants to date me, then we move forward whether you like it or not.”

Nikos pushed him aside and left the bar.

Leo took a deep breath, smoothed his tie, and returned to the dining room. If Nikos wanted to be vindictive, he had enough connections to interfere with the growth of Leo’s business. On the other hand, he also believed Nikos loved his daughter and wanted to protect her. Leo would have to be patient with Nikos’s anger and insults to earn his respect for Cassandra’s sake.

“How did it go?” Ben’s eyes were as big as saucers.

He glanced over to Nikos’s now empty table. He returned to his seat and pushed his plate away. “I failed to charm Nikos, but I was honest with him.” He took a sip of his drink. “I’ll charm him next time.”

“Next time?” Ben laughed out loud.

There would be a next time. Tomorrow, he returned to London—and Cassandra. Once again, he had an undeniable sense they belonged together. Nothing was going to keep them apart because every time they were together, their bond grew stronger. He was sure of it.