Page 78 of One Night Together

“I absolutely do.” He smiled around a bite of grilled halibut.

Ben took a sip of wine. “Have you considered how Nikos will react to you getting serious about his daughter?”

“You were the one who encouraged me to pursue her, to be happy, and I am.”

“You’re right, but you’re going to have to learn how to navigate around that famous temper of his.” Ben returned his attention to his steak.

“I have a plan.”

“What kind of plan?”

“I’m going to charm him.” Leo raised his glass.

“Right. Good luck with that.” Ben laughed and clinked his glass with Leo’s.

Ben’s head turned, tracking something in the restaurant. His eyes grew wide with surprise.

“What is it?”

“You’re not going to believe it.” Ben shifted in his seat. “Nikos is here.”

Leo chuckled into his glass. “You’re full of shit, Ben.”

“It’s true. He just came in, and he’s seated across the room. He’s staring right at you.”

He felt the heat of Nikos’s glare sear through his skin. His earlier confidence plummeted. Leo sipped his drink and tried to relax.

“What are you going to do?” Ben asked, wide-eyed.

“I’m going to finish my dinner and then I’ll stop by his table to say hello.” He was really planning to stall for time and figure out how to handle this awkward situation.

“Are you sure? He’s glaring at you so hard he could bore a hole into your skull.”

“Relax. I’m not going to act like I’ve done something wrong because I haven’t.”

“You need to be careful.”

“You worry too much.”

Ben lifted a brow. “At least I’ll die with my head on my shoulders.”

“Would you mind not mentioning decapitated heads? I’m trying to eat.” Leo took a bite of scalloped potatoes. He pretended to be casual about Nikos, but his presence rattled him more than he would admit to his friend. Turning slightly, he glanced at Nikos. He wasn’t staring at him anymore. Instead, Nikos was having a conversation with his dinner companion. Good. Maybe Leo could finish his dinner in peace.

“Blimey,” Ben mumbled. “He’s headed this way.”

“Shit.” Leo took a deep breath and waited.

“Mr. Sutton,” Nikos said with a barely concealed growl.

Leo turned to him, hoping he appeared calm. “Mr. Papadakis.”

“I’d like to speak with you.”

Nikos’s coal-black hair was thinner now, but he still wore it in his signature slicked-back style. As always, he wore an expensive suit and carried himself with brash confidence.

Leo indicated an empty chair. “You’re welcome to join us. This is my partner, Ben Kamau.”

Nikos gave Ben a quick nod and turned his attention back to Leo. “I want to speak with you in private. Now.”