Page 77 of One Night Together



“Here’s to a successful trip.” Ben raised his wine glass in a toast.

He and Ben were having dinner at Leroux, one of Midtown Manhattan’s finest restaurants.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Leo shook his head. “We haven’t won the grant yet.”

“I think we will.” Ben took a sip of wine. “Even if we don’t, the Bronx Neighborhood Agency is interested in working with us, and Stan found us a loan to remodel the boutique hotel near the High Line. We don’t have to dip into our own money anymore to get established. I would say that we’re on our way. You’ll be able to go into the board meeting, stare down Malcolm, and stake your claim.”

“I hope so, but things could still go wrong. I expect Malcolm to push back. He won’t give up without a fight.”

A server arrived with their entrees.

Leo checked his phone again. No word today from Cassandra. He took a quick look at the photo he’d saved of them dancing at Tio Gilberto’s. He held Cassandra in his arms and her eyes shone with happiness.

He’d been in New York for five days.They’d texted during the day, and he spoke to her a few times. During their phone calls, they’d gotten to know each other a little more through small stuff like favorite movies and books. He was fascinated by her intelligence and quirky sense of humor. Their one night together had evolved into a relationship worth exploring.

“It’s rude to look at your phone while you’re eating dinner at this ridiculously expensive restaurant,” Ben scolded, slicing into a filet mignon.

“You’re the one who insisted we eat at this ridiculously expensive restaurant.” Leo laughed and slid his phone back into his jacket.

“I chose it because anyone who’s anyone in the New York business world comes here.”

Leo wasn’t impressed. He’d been to far too many restaurants that looked the same. The tall windows, subdued lighting, and an enormous metal abstract piece of artwork mounted on the ceiling didn’t impress him. He’d rather be at Tio Gilberto’s.

Leo’s phone buzzed. He took it out again and read Cassandra’s message.

Guess where I was today?

She’d been sending him photos every day of places in London, making him guess where she was. This time it was a photo of the glass roof taken from inside the Great Court of the British Museum. Grinning, he typed his reply.

Are you planning to steal the Rosetta Stone? Why are you up so late?

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this,” Ben said.

Leo shrugged in reply. He had no comeback. He missed Cassandra and he enjoyed their text exchanges. His phone buzzed again.

Ha ha. I was there for a meeting. I’m going to bed now. Miss you. xxoo

He quickly typed his response.

Sleep well, Deusa. XX

“Again?” Ben asked with an exaggerated groan.

“You should talk. You call Amanda and the boys every day.”

“What’s wrong with that? I’m a happily married man who loves his family.”

“And what am I?”

Ben grinned. “Infatuated? Head over heels? Smitten?”

“I am all of those, but I prefer besotted.”

Ben studied him with a tilt of his head. “You’ve got it bad, Leo.”