Page 75 of One Night Together

The tension rose in the room while the three of them waited for Dr. Moss’s reply.

“Um…I’ll have to meet with my team and the board.”

Michael gave Cassie and Zhara a thumbs-up.

Cassie wanted to squeal with happiness at their success, but she had to wrap up the call first.

“When can we expect to hear from you?” she asked, suppressing the excitement in her voice.

“My assistant will contact you tomorrow to arrange an appointment,” Dr. Moss answered.

“Very good, Dr. Moss. We look forward to hearing from you soon.” She ended the call.

“Awesome.” Zhara gave her a high five. “It’s not a done deal, but we’re almost there.”

“Good work, you two,” Michael said.

“Thanks for finding the press release, Cassie.” Zhara got to her feet.

Michael gazed out the window and leaned his arms on the windowsill. The mood shifted to something more somber.

Zhara turned to Cassie with a worried expression. Zhara must have noticed the shift in the mood too. “Well, I’ll be in my office. Welcome back, Michael.” Zhara left them alone in the conference room.

“Can I get you anything?” Cassie jumped up.

“No, thank you.” Michael took a seat and folded his hands together on the table. “Please stay. I’d like to speak with you about something.”

Cassie hadn’t been at Worldwide Witness very long, but she believed Michael was pleased with her work.

She joined him at the table.

“How do you like working here? Zhara’s excited to partner with you.”

“Zhara’s a great mentor,” Cassie answered. “I couldn’t ask for a better person to work with.” It was a generic answer she hoped would suffice.

He studied her for a few moments. “You have a future here if you want it,” he said with a raised brow.

“I appreciate that.”

Michael cocked his head a bit. “I sense some reluctance.”

He was right. She wanted to love the job, but she would be lying to herself, and Michael, if she said otherwise.

“I’m enjoying being here for now.”

Michael looked at her closely. “I know Beatrice left you Meraki and the contents of her library,” he said in a quiet voice. “She and I discussed it one evening before you returned to London.”

This was a surprise, but it didn’t explain Beatrice’s reasons. “Why did she leave it to me?”

Michael’s eyes gleamed with warmth. “Few people knew Beatrice the way you did. You should have a special part of her. She wanted you to.”

“If anyone should have it, it should be you. I mean—” Dammit. Their relationship wasn’t her business.

Michael shook his head. “I don’t need a house to remind me of Beatrice. We created memories all over the world.”

She was deeply touched with his honesty. “I have no idea what to do with it all.”

“You’re a sensible woman. You’ll make the right decision.”