Page 64 of One Night Together

He parked on a side street near the restaurant and hopped out of the car to open Cassandra’s door.

He reached for her hand. “Is this okay?”

She took his hand in hers with a squeeze. “Yeah, it’s okay.”

It was like this was their first date, and in many ways it was. He knew her body, but he didn’t know a lot about her job, her likes and dislikes. He was curious to discover all those small details about her.

Her warm skin and the way her fingers intertwined with his calmed his nerves. He’d missed her touch.

As they approached the restaurant, the noise from inside spilled out onto the sidewalk.

“Tio Gilberto’s was the first Brazilian restaurant I discovered in London.” He opened the door for her. “It became a second home or me.”

“Leo!” Juliana ran from behind the counter to give him a hug. “Where have you been?” The lines around her eyes were more defined since he last saw her. It felt like he’d been gone far longer than a year.

He kissed Juliana’s cheek. “I was gone for a while.”

Juliana’s gaze shifted to his hand holding Cassandra’s and gave him a smile.

“Welcome.” She extended a hand to Cassandra. “I’m Juliana.”

“I’m Cassie,” she said, shaking hands.

“Meu menino!” Gilberto roared, bursting out through the kitchen doors, wiping his hands on a towel. “I knew we’d see you soon.” Most people were intimidated by Gilberto’s height and his muscular build, but Leo never was.

He hugged Gilberto and slapped him on his back. “It’s good to be home again.”

“And who’s this?” Gilberto grinned back and forth between him and Cassandra.

“This is Cassandra Papadakis.”

“Please, call me Cassie.” She shook Gilberto’s hand.

“Cassandra is a beautiful name,” Gilberto said. “Why shorten it?”

Leo returned Cassandra’s smile with a wink.

“I hope you’re hungry,” Gilberto said.

“I’m starved,” Cassandra answered. “I’ve never had Brazilian food before.”

“We’re honored.” Juliana picked up a few menus.

“No menus.” Gilberto took the menus out of Juliana’s hand. “I’ll choose for you. Enjoy.” Gilberto returned to the kitchen.

“We’re pretty full inside, but I have a quiet table on the patio.” Juliana gestured to follow her.

He and Cassandra wound their way through the restaurant filled with diners eating family style.

A combo played Brazilian music on the patio. The small dance floor in the center with tables around the perimeter hadn’t changed. But now, overhead globe lights illuminated the patio, and tiny lights shone within the shrubs and tree branches.

Once they were seated, he said, “We’ll start with twocaipirinhas.”

“I’ll get those right away.” Juliana gave each of them a smile as she left.

“What’s a caipi…”

“Kai-pr-ee-nyuh. It’s Brazil’s signature cocktail. It’s good, but it’s strong.”