Page 61 of One Night Together

“No way.” Cassandra searched through her purse for her keys.

“It’s true.” He picked up the plant.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a housewarming gift.”

“A purple orchid.” Her cheeks turned pink. “It’s like the one you gave me in Santorini.”

“It is. It’s a potted orchid, which means you can keep it for a long time.”

“Thanks.” Running a finger across a petal, she said, “That was thoughtful of you.” She opened the door, and he followed inside.

The flat was small, and the living room was a riot of colors. He took a second look at the avocado green loveseat, purple armchair, and turquoise-painted coffee table. Did she like this kind of ugly furniture?

Cassandra placed the orchid in the center of the orange café table in the small kitchen.

“How did you manage to find a flat in this neighborhood?”

“I got lucky,” she said, unpacking groceries. “One of my co-workers went to the States for six months, so I agreed to sublet.”

“So, this isn’t your furniture?” he asked in relief.

She turned to him in surprise. “God, no. Fiona is a sweet person but a little unconventional. I think she might be colorblind.”

“I believe it,” he said, staring at the tacky, bright yellow cuckoo clock.

Cassandra caught his eye and broke out in laughter.

He’d missed hearing her irresistible laugh.

“It’s a good incentive to find my own place.” She stacked small containers of yogurt in the refrigerator.

“So, you’re going to stay?” It gave him more time to win her back.

“Yeah.” She closed the refrigerator with a bump of her hip. “The job is interesting, but it’s not something I ever thought I’d be doing.”

“What kind of job is it?”

“I’ll save that for our talk.”

“Let’s take a drive first, then we’ll talk.” If he stayed here any longer with her, he’d want to touch her, kiss her, and more. “There’s something I want to show you.”