Page 38 of One Night Together



Early morning sunlight peeked in through the blinds, illuminating the bedroom in infinitesimal increments. Their remaining time together was slipping by.

The light gradually highlighted Cassandra’s thick eyelashes, finely sculpted cheekbones, and a tiny freckle above her left eyebrow he hadn’t noticed before. Her lips curved into a smile, and her eyes blinked open.

“Good morning, Cassandra.” He ran his hand down her arm.

“Good morning, Leo,” she said with a serene smile.

He’d never see her early morning smile again or wake up with her in his arms. Another man would be in his place next time. He didn’t expect to feel such a deep loss. They’d agreed to one night, but he wanted more.

“Is something wrong?”

“I woke up and watched you sleep as the sun rose. I hate that we have to go back to the real world today.”

“That’s true, but we don’t everything about each other yet,” she said, gazing up at him, her eyes sparkling with interest. She straddled him, leaning down to give him a kiss.

The sway of her breasts tempted him, and his cock needed to have her again.

“Maybe it will take more than one night,” she said, running her hands over his pecs.

His shy scholar was becoming bolder, and she was interested in more? The idea thrilled him.

“Are you going back to New York?” he asked. He traveled there often, so maybe there was a chance they could see each other again.

“I’m going to London first.”

“What’s in London?” This was even better since he lived in London. Once again, it seemed as if fate was determined to find a way to keep them together.

“Stuff. Friends.” She tilted her head with a brief smile. “I have some loose ends to wrap up before going to New York.”

Did friends include any men? He ground his teeth,picturing another man looking at her, touching her.

“I’ll be in London too.” He met her gaze, measuring her composed expression. She wasn’t giving anything away yet. He would have to be more open with her. “You fascinate me. I haven’t felt this way in a long time about any woman.”

She remained silent, studying him.

“And that, Cassandra, is something many people would not believe,” he said with a smile.

“Why not?” She moved her pussy over his cock, the delicate friction stiffening his erection to rock hard.

“Few people know me the way you do. I let my guard down around you, and that’s something Inever do.”

Cassie drew her eyebrows together. “Does this have something to do with Whitney?”

He caught her by her wrists. He hated hearing her say that name and wished he had never brought it up.

Her eyes locked with his.

“Yes,” he said harshly, recalling the betrayal.

Cassandra paused her movements and her eyes softened. “Whatever she did to cause you to be so angry, I’m sorry,” she said in a soft voice. “You deserve someone much better.”

Her words slammed straight into his soul. He did deserve someone better—he deserved Cassandra.

Leo flipped Cassandra onto her back and pulled her arms over her head, clasping her wrists with one hand. “I want you. Do you want me?” Mine. She is mine. Plans can change. People can change their minds.