Page 138 of One Night Together

When you’re ready, share your passion with the world!

Cassie stared at the sentence. Beatrice was urging her to unleash all the passion she held back from her dissertation and share it with the world. Leo had said she should write a book and Cassie had scoffed at the idea. Was she ready to do it now? Her body buzzed with focus. She turned to page one and re-read Beatrice’s comments without flinching.

By sunrise, Cassie had read her dissertation several times, making notes on a yellow legal pad. She rubbed her eyes and set her notes aside with satisfaction. Here was the essence of the intellectual passion she searched for. She had found hermeraki.

After a shower, she changed into her favorite cotton skirt and peasant blouse and padded barefoot into the kitchen. She ground the coffee beans and prepared a pot of coffee. While she waited, she went out onto the patio. The sun had fully risen, and she stood for a few moments watching several puffy clouds float by.

Her thoughts turned to Leo. Was he thinking about her? What was he doing right now? The pain of their argument was still a raw wound. With some distance between them, she hoped to gain insight into their relationship and find a way to be together. She loved him, and she believed he loved her, but she had to fully trust him. Could she give him that kind of trust?

The coffee pot beeped in the background. Mulling over her emotions, she headed back inside.

Cassie got settled at the desk, turned on her laptop, and took a sip of coffee. It was time to write the story she wanted to tell. Her fingers hovered above the keyboard, wanting to begin but distracted by thoughts of Leo. Despite their separation, she could feel his support for her. She took a deep breath. She would put aside her feelings for Leo for a few hours and dive in. Filled with purpose, she opened a new folder and typed the title of her book.Psyche: A Feminist Journey.